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What does a guy want in a girl?

What type of things does a guy find attractive? What makes a guy think 'wow that girl is cute'? Anything like that. (I'm a girl and I always kind of wanted to)
Well let me be honest with you. I want what's different then what a lot of guys want. I'm a softie and I'm looking for a girl who will be like the male in the relationship and love me for *who I am* and love me forever, I want a true lover and I want my girlfriend to also be my best friend and love what I love. But that's just me. EDIT: I like girls who are kind, warmhearted, caring, and who are very nice. I usually fall for someone if something in their personality warms my heart.
My personal list. -Nerdiness. I'm not talking like.. "over the top" nerd, but that.. look. Like this look. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3375/3242110552_98d7d0858b_m.jpg -Fun, able to joke around yet know when to be serious. Personality is key. -Shy is cute. Once a shy girl opens up to you, you know you mean something special to her. -A bit perverted. Always a plus. Somebody who's prudish is just... no. I'm not saying go sleep with a guy the first date (unless it's a mutual want), but somebody who can't talk about it shows me a lack of maturity... If that makes sense. -Is independant, educated, and has a job or in school. I don't want to support somebody financially, especially from the start. Schooling is important to me, it shows me that you care about bettering yourself and not being stuck in a deadend, low paying job, such as janitorial work... -I shouldn't have to put this, but I've had an ex, so... somebody hygienic. I don't want to smell what you had to eat 3 days ago on your breath, and I don't want to pass out when I get close. And if you're gonna have sex... please, PLEASE wash down there, especially if you don't shave/trim. It's insanely disgusting smelling when a guy goes down and smells...everything.
Me personally? I have to be physically attracted (looks) and I really like someone who is smart enough to keep me on my does. Being twisted and strong enough to put me in my place is key. Oh, and don't go out with every single person who smiles at you, have high standards as a woman.
on my case i dont really care about the looks, i find personality taking a first place, because i would fall for a girl whose personality is around kind and confident and a little sweet. >w< EDIT: Im also a kind of soft person so i could add to the list rough(but just a little)
Don't be desperate, have standards like KC said. Oh, and be yourself, not what someone wants you to be.
There are all kinds. What do guys want in a girl? Anything you can imagine and nothing at all. Unless.... You're just trying to narrow your search on here...;) But alas, I'm taken...I know...Don't cry and buck up little fella, you may not find another me, but you'll find...."something"....here, I promise.
For me (personal preference) I only want her to have a good looking face don't care if is attractive to much, but almost all the body parts can pass to background, for me if more important: Her personality Her sense of humor (god I can give all I have for someone who like my sarcasm) Her mentality Etc, etc, etc. I think my "perfect girl" would be someone who don't care if I hug her and do affections to her (first time I use the word affections, just in case)
@Yaasshat I'm not really trying to narrow down my search. I just wanted to know cause I thought it might be fun. Also who ever your with I'm sure they're lucky to have you.
Nov 06, 14 at 5:02pm
I want someone who shares my sense of humor, such as dressing up as Nazis for Halloween and marching through London goose step style. If I had someone like that, I'd be so happy
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