Is it one sided?

Saki Itami @sakiitami
Is it one sided?
Saki Itami @sakiitami
We haven't been dating for very long but we have been friends for around 3 months. I finally got the courage to ask him out and he says yes! Yet, we haven't even hugged yet, i mean, isn't that sapost to be like a 1st grade thing!? I might be over reacting but no harm asking right?

kc_watz @kc_watz
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Is it one sided?
kc_watz @kc_watz
Wait... Whats going on here?

altair88 @altair88
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Is it one sided?
altair88 @altair88
True, I mean hugging is a friendship thing so not sure what the issue might be. But I know a person who was in a relationship yet didn't like to be touched. Strange I know but I happens. I'm just going to chalk it up to nervousness since you two have become more than just friends. I could be completely wrong though so... yeah.

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Is it one sided?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
A hug is a very special thing. Though not intimate it allows you to hold the ones you love close to you. If someone is not willing to hug his girlfriend. I'm sorry to say however you may be correct in saying it's one sided. However be aware I'm only a 15 year old who has hardly had any experience with love

kc_watz @kc_watz
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Is it one sided?
kc_watz @kc_watz
Hugs.. I dislike them, but gals try to hug me all the time. Its only meaningful at all if its from someone you WANT close. I guess... Idk

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Is it one sided?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
Although @altair has a good point. Likelihood is it's down to nervousness and doesn't want to ruin the budding relationship by moving to fast and placing unnecessary pressure on you.

Karasu @kain_karasu
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Is it one sided?
Karasu @kain_karasu
Or he's just excessively shy and doesn't like to take the first step, some guys are like that and need the girl to take initiative.

kc_watz @kc_watz
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Is it one sided?
kc_watz @kc_watz
No, the man must take the initiative.. Only the strong may survive.

altair88 @altair88
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Is it one sided?
altair88 @altair88
This might call for a Random Kiss moment to break the ice. Cheek him.
(I am joking, maybe)

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Is it one sided?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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