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Is it one sided?

Saki Itami @sakiitami
Is it one sided?
Saki Itami @sakiitami
We haven't been dating for very long but we have been friends for around 3 months. I finally got the courage to ask him out and he says yes! Yet, we haven't even hugged yet, i mean, isn't that sapost to be like a 1st grade thing!? I might be over reacting but no harm asking right?
are otaku girls really hard to find?

Saki Itami @sakiitami
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are otaku girls really hard to find?
Saki Itami @sakiitami
I find it harder to find a guy into Anime than girls! Im a softmore at my school and to this day i have about 10+ girls that love anime and only 4 guys!