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How do I talk to NORMAL guys?

Very easy for approaching him. Do you have any friend that know him? If you got no friend, go ask him that you do not have enough cash to buy something. Tell him got any that you will pay him back the money. Mind telling me your phone number. I saw in a drama show, it work like a magic.
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Just go for it girl! If he is as nice as you say he is I am sure he would love to get to know you. Try finding things you have in common with him...if he makes eye contact smile...stuff like that...etc If you end up dating cool, just friends that is cool too, or even if nothing comes out of it...that is okay too. Still be proud of the fact you put yourself out there :). There are plenty of fish in the sea...if this does not work out pick yourself up and cast your line again, I am sure you will find someone ^^. Good Luck <3 AND P.S.: There is no such thing as a NORMAL guy or girl for that matter...Normal is just a setting on the dryer.
You want to know him then go for it. You got nothing to lose, you will not gain anything without a fruit of action. Do you want to be a bystander forever? Take action, do not think. Your mind only hinder your action, go for it. Fool who don't take action won't success, your moment of success is right in front of you. Grab your happiness before a hyena take your food.
Lmao this is funny, Just talk to him da fuq. Its not hard at all lololol You can literally say anything to a jock Jocks in my school were retarded o_o
just talk to the guy your putting way too much into it... just start a random conversation and asking what he likes and questions about him its really that simple (but make sure you get a way to contact him like text or kik or whatever that way you can just start a conversation there and it would be much easier,and when you see him at school it wouldn't be that awkward to talk to him)
Oct 24, 14 at 9:29pm
Yet again I find myself agreeing with Jikoshy. Just offer yourself up as a tasty platter and he'll have fun with you for as long as it amuses him. He has his pick of the litter so count your blessings if he decides to go with you for a while. Honestly, I can't stand normal people. They bore me to death. I wish you the best of luck, though.
Nov 02, 14 at 9:22pm
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Start with saying hi. Find out a few things he likes and maybe try them out yourself. Don't force yourself to like things he does just to impress him. Overall, try to be yourself without gushing about anime. You can gush a little bit, but don't go berserk. If he's a decent enough guy, then he'll appreciate that you're being yourself. Also, a lot of guys seem to like it when a girl fumbles over words in front of them. If you're the shy type, maybe use it to your advantage. Just my observations. I am in no means an expert.
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