Guys, What Are You Looking For?

Yoko @yoko
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
Yoko @yoko
I noticed there was a girls, what are you looking for thread so guys what do you want? Loose sex? Commitment? A fuck buddy?

ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
Im looking for commitment. No more games where I end up hurt :(

IDGAF @metalshadown64
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
IDGAF @metalshadown64
This account has been suspended.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Someone sweet.

zeod @zeod
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Guys, What Are You Looking For?
zeod @zeod
I guess someone kind and who you can trust

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
This is going to be filled with the same response. No guy is going to admit (honestly) about just wanting a fuck buddy. I'm not saying that's me, but I'm sure there will be liars popping up.

TheAnran @arazno
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
TheAnran @arazno
I am looking for what I signed up here years ago. Finding Real Love whos Hopefully a lovely Otaku Girl.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I'm not going to go the childish route and just say "somebody who likes anime" and that's it, because that's blatantly obvious being on this site. There's more to life than just anime, and if you disagree, it's time to get priorities in check.
I'm looking for somebody who knows what they want, isnt overly obsessed with a certain MMORPG, is educated, and able to hold intellectual conversations, while still able to have fun.
If I'm going to look for somebody on here, they should be active and not afraid to be themselves. Being shy is fine, I personally like that, but someone who isn't afraid to try is what counts.
On that note, there IS one person on this site that I do like, unfortunatly, we don't really talk often. :(

ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23
Honestly Jikoshy, I think sex is very overrated

Rain @rainx
commented on
Guys, What Are You Looking For?
Rain @rainx
I think a lot of guys actually do want a relationship, at least on here. I'm looking for a committed LTR, but don't really want to deal with a long distance relationship which is all this site really has to offer most people IMO.
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