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My friends boyfriend doesn't like me?

My best friends boyfriend thinks I'm a sarcastic asshole, which isn't really that far from the truth. He hates it when she comes over to my house. I try really hard to get along with him when she's around but there's just something about his face that makes me want to bash it in. I'm throwing a Halloween party this year (just like every year) and he told me that there is no way he's gonna let her go. How do I deal?
It's something that happens. Eventually she'll realise that he is controlling. Controlling relationships are bad news. Best thing to do is stand by and be a good friend, be understanding etc.I've had it happen to me. My best friend since I was 5 my ex hated her.. I told him tough. We'd been friends for nearly our whole lives and it wasn't going to be affected by what I was told to do...
The boyfriend has no right to stop her from hanging out with you. You're her friend, known her longer, like da fuck Who is he to tell her she cant hang out with you? Lmao Ignore the guy and tell your friend. If she doesnt do anything about it, well I guess you'll find out :l
You both are pretty young still, but obviously you don't like him if you want to bash his face in. If you can't talk about your issues with one another without causing a lot of drama, my suggestion would to just avoid contact with him. Plan girls nights, etc. If she really likes him, it's not fair to your friend to try and drive a wedge between them.
My sister still talks to her friends reguardless. XD
Well the simple fact is your not there for him you are there for your friend. If he doesn't like you than that Truly sounds like a Him Problem. Honestly though, if he said he isn't going to allow her to do something that's a red flag right there if I ever saw one. He seems to be the controlling type, it would be best to just chill with your friend even when he is around don't change who you are to get along with him he either accepts you are he doesn't. But Again its not about him its about you and your friend he is just background noise.
Lol good luck
I understand why he do not like you since you are stealing his gf and he want to stay with her. Sure he is wrong about it of not liking you but you need to understand your best friend too. You need to give her time to spend with her bf. The fault is both party, but you should try to talk to your friend about that you don't like him but if your friend like him you support her. You can also tell your friend to do something about her bf. Other than that you should not meddle their relationship because you don't want to make your friend mad at you. The advice is deal with it, ask politely to your friend about him, you do not need to be friend with him just your friend only, give your friend time to do what she want and you can try to ask her for Halloween since no hard feeling. If she deny, let her go because you want to make her happy.
Yea had this problem with one of my best friends years ago. But he had been going out with his Ex before we met, so his Ex had a problem with me hanging out with him and such, so I understood the situation and told him to talk it over with her and take their time. So we didn't hang out for a while, and we we talked for the first time after that, he told me that he ended the relationship, I then found out that this wasn't the first time that it happened with others as well. I guess she turned out to be controlling, I tried my best to befriend her too. Later that year it turns out she was pregnant, and now my friend is a single father raising his 4 year-old daughter. He likes his daughter, but his ex is such a horrible person to her
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