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My friends boyfriend doesn't like me?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that they won't last very long as a couple. Control issues, incompatible with her friends, you guys are young.... You don't have to be his friend just try to be supportive of your friend while you wait for her to dump his ass!
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Question: Are you a sarcastic asshole? If not, fuck him and what he thinks. Talk to your friend about how you feel and how her boyfriend is making you feel. Once you do that, the ball is in her court and she can either open her eyes and realize this guy's being a controlling dickbag, or stays and you know who's more important to her.
I am currently in the same situation. My best friend of 12 years has been dating this guy who has control issues for 3 years now. He has disliked me since day 1. He claims that I am a "horrible person" and "am trying to break them up". I have been nothing but nice to him and he is still a total a$$. He refuses to hangout with me and sometimes won't let her hangout with me depending on how he "feels". She always has to "ask" before she can hangout with me, or anyone else. I have told her how I feel around him and she claims he is trying. Also he says he "wants" to be my friend too when she brings it up...But he is a liar. Anyways...to get to the point...lol... Hopefully your friend (and my friend too) will open their eyes soon enough and realize what jerks these guys truly are. In the mean time keep your head up, I am sure your friend is a very smart girl and will see soon enough what you see. I know it hurts now but it will get better just ignore the a$$ hole...that is what I do when I have to be around my friends boyfriend. Good Luck to you :)
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