why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
idk if its just me or due to my like and dislike in anime but i feel anime that really arnt that good or interesting out shadow the ones that are actually interesting and more entertaining to watch for example i know its maybe a year old or a lil more but casshern sins was an AMAZING anime great action great plot and awesome twiat on the original yet it was outshined by an anime i will not say to avoid the big following they have try and kill me but idk i feel love for these obscure anime dont get the love they deserve what do you think?

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
While I dont agree about casshern sins having seen the original in all its cheesy 90s goodness, I do agree not enough love is given to lesser known anime. I blame the internet. People can see whst other people say about a new anime and jump on the bandwagon, this cycle continues until it becomes so popular everyone has to talk about it. I liked alot of anime before the internet so im biased towards alot of old stuff. Not trying to sou d hipster, but im not a fan of fairy tail, attack on titan, or sword art online, nothing against anyone who likes it. I actually didnt even know anyone else liked kenshin until I came here. The anime fans I know on other sites and irl only talk about whats popular now or the big shonen 3.

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
i think kenshin still considered a popular anime even today i mean it has another live action movie coming out so theres that and yea the original casshern was good but sins was literally the plot of what the original was trying to be but stayed in its saves the day till the next episode deal and sins was pretty much the megamanX story ive been waiting for

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Its all about One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Fairy Tail. All other anime sucks and should be immediately deleted from existence ;D.
Nah I get what you're saying lol, I guess long animes get more popular for a longer period of time.
Alot get left behind cause they're short maybe?
I watch anything and In my opinion Naruto Shipudden and Bleach suck. I'm caught up in them. They just lose track of what they were in the beginning.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Have you seen the live action casshern? I still want to!

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
well i dont think length has never had anything to do with i mean case cloased is classed as obscure anime yet look at how many episodes that has! haha

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
its has many fans but they dont fawn over it like they would for attack on titan theyll be just fans and like it alot like i like it alot but i wouldn't put in my top 5 anime list

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Naruto,one piece,fairy tail and bleach are the only things that get noticed when 1. they aren't even that good and 2.anime that are way better dont even step foot into the spotlight we have amazing anime like sao,tokyo ghoul, zankyou no terror,black bullet,mirai nikki all way better than a bunch of ninja and pirates who obtain god like abilities and defeat everyone

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
hmm gotta agree with that whole godlike power stuff sometimes it un-needed

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
why do real good anime get left in the shadows of love while the ones that feel pointless gt so much love
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
yeah i know i want an anime where the protagonist doesn't win every fight and there is that one guy he can never beat no matter what
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