Anime you want them to have watched

YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
Anime you want them to have watched
YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
This isn't exactlly necessary for me, but I think it would be cool if I dated an Otaku girl who watched Suzuka, or DNAngel before I knew them. What anime would you guys like for your significant other to have watched before meeting them?(sorry if this was made before, just curious)

Clyzard @clyzard
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Anime you want them to have watched
Clyzard @clyzard
if your significant other has seen some of your favorites, it would be awesome, some of my pics would be: Ghost in the shell, Escaflowne, Wolf's rain and Eureka 7

kurokame @kurokame
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Anime you want them to have watched
kurokame @kurokame
Hell I'd be happy if the girl actually liked any anime what so ever. I mean really like it, not just some condescending awareness. Like she says sure "I like anime I watch pokemon when I babysit my nephew." and all you can do is try not to visibly cringe, my dream girl would be hard core sailormoon to dragonball z, Akira to Zoids and maybe Bible Black to Night shift Nurses. Hell a boy can hope.

Kronos @kronos
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Anime you want them to have watched
Kronos @kronos
I would say my potential partner should at least have seen Sailor Moon, Akira, and/or Dragon Ball Z. For the most part, I agree with you kurokame.

Zen94 @zen94
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Anime you want them to have watched
Zen94 @zen94
If they watched anime to start with that would be great, but if I had to pick it would be prolly to at least know about naruto,bleach(bleach nut here)or any good comedy, or romantic/comedy( laughing is good)

tiger28504 @tiger28504
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Anime you want them to have watched
tiger28504 @tiger28504
I'd rather them have at least watched some of the earlier anime that had came to America through toonami like tenchi muyo and such. but I've read a lot of manga and seen a quite a few anime so id prefer that she had at least watched something i haven't or is willing to watch something new unlike my who faked being interested in what i was getting her to watch with me only to find out months later that she hated it.

kurokame @kurokame
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Anime you want them to have watched
kurokame @kurokame
The evils of faked interest, women are really go at Pretending to like whatever the male they like is into. Just think of more mundane men that are sports and car otaku? Bet you money they have the same issue with the opposite sex.

tiger28504 @tiger28504
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Anime you want them to have watched
tiger28504 @tiger28504
it makes it awkward later on. hate when people hid things. then come to find out that she only wanted sex at first. :/ but i wasnt going to have that so like an idiot i stayed with her through college for 3 years til she finally broke up with me while we were still living together... *sigh*

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
Anime you want them to have watched
kurokame @kurokame
Wow you have it bad a serious worst case scenario there tiger. Thankgod I can usually tell a true believer from a judas.

Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
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Anime you want them to have watched
Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
I would have to agree with Clyzard in that respect. It certainly makes things easier to start with and gives you something to go with. I wouldn't mind if started to like a few of them but not just to please me. it's all nice and such but would feel a bit strained and akward
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