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Looking at the person in the eyes?

I dont know how to deal with this, I feel if keeping looking at her eyes she'll feel I'm judging her and if i dont then it'll mean i'm not paying attention to her talking.
I take it as a staring contest challenge! Who'll look away first +_+
Thats a good idea actually then ill be doing the same kind of movements so it wont be awkward
I have trouble looking at people directly in the eyes up close because I have ommetaphobia :(
there is nothing wrong with looking someone in the eyes. its just you should not be creepy about it, i mean just a constant stare is just creepy and i know some girls that do not like to have that done to them. insecurities i guess idk the girls i know are weird :/ as long as you are looking at there face and not into there soul. your dazzling stare should be fine :)
Hmm.....i would think of a guy looking into my eyes as being honest and not having anything to hide from me.. Having a guy infront of you who constantly looks down, or to his sides would simply be annoying or give the impression that he's bored. Buttthat's just my humble opinion ^-^
Stare into my eyes... <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2zjdyyv" target="_blank"><img src="http://i57.tinypic.com/2zjdyyv.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> ...You will soon to see something
Looking into my eyes is not a wise thing to do. My black eyes have no spark. No warmth. Just empty... Like my pitiful soul. Bound to this Earth for eternity to watch the demise of man by his own son.
Thanks guys this is helping alot, I gotta a date tomorrow so I'm a tad nervous haha
Word of the wise...So is your date. It's only human to be at least a little nervous, just don't let it consume you.
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