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Looking at the person in the eyes?

Look ehm in the eyes >:D You win if you look the longest.
^ That's what I said. *high five*
Sep 11, 14 at 10:13pm
I always look people in the eyes when I'm talking to them or I'm listening to them. It's just habit for me, I naturally look people in the eye. I kinda think it's rude not to if you're talking/listening to the other person which is why I hate when people are on their phones when I'm having a conversation with them.
^ Yes! It pisses me off when people are on their phone. Its like they get withdrawal if they dont look at it every 2 minutes.
You don't have to directly look them in the eyes, although it's certainly most helpful. There's a sort of psychology behind where you stare at someone when you speak to them. For business interacts you often wants to stare right between their eyebrows, because from their perspective it seems as if you're looking right at them but without the normal intimidation that you would feel in regards to stares into their eyes. For more intimate situations however, you do not want to look away or divert your own eyes unless they do so first. Looking straight at them let's them know that you're actively listening and actually interested in what they have to say.
It's actually very important to look at a person in the face, and if you can work from looking into the face to into the eyes this will help the person understand how sincere you are when you are speaking to them. For the longest time I had trouble with this, and while it can be awkward if you stare into a person's eyes for too long, it's actually better that you do it, it's easier to read a person because eyes tell a lot about how a person is feeling and what they might be thinking. It'll make you seem more confident, but also you'll be able to have an idea about how the other person feels.
My problem is if I keep looking I look like a creeper so I turn my eyes to the ground every once in a while but eyes are my biggest draw on a woman
Wellll i thought the date went well i made her laugh quite a bit and she smiled alot, heck i even got to kiss and hold hands with her and the next day shes all cold with me and doesnt wanna hang out. Idk i tried honestly :/ i think im through datingwise for now
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. That is really odd. Maybe you just need to give her a little time and them ask her out again after a week or so. People are weird sometimes. Either way your date was good, it probably isn't you at all, and you did your best!
I know :/ thanks for the support :) idk i just felt like if she wanted to take things slower then she should of rejected me kissing her since i always ask instead of forcing myself on a girl. If she would of said lets take things slower i'd be totally ok with it but i guess now kisses dont mean crap anymore
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