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What's a deal-breaker?

Hmmm? What are some things a person can do that'll immediately turn you off about dating that person. For me it's smoking. If you smoke it's not going to happen
1. They are extremely hairy. I don't care if a girl goes for awhile without shaving, but if she has an unusual about of body hair, it's a major turn off. 2. She does hard drugs (heroin, Meth, coke, etc) no way. 3. She loves Country music or Rap (We aren't likely compatible) 4. She describes herself as "polyamorous" I don't want to be part of a harem if I'm looking for a relationship. 5. She's "asexual" A relationship without sex is a friendship. If I'm looking for a relationship, I love sex, lots of it. If she doesn't want to have sex with me then there is no point in having a relationship (beyond friendship) 6. Bad (rotten) teeth. Ewww.... 7. Girls who won't let me go down on them. (I love it too much!)
Damn it! And I wanted you soooo bad too!!!;P Ya know, I would of said quite a few things that I've already been through. I guess the heart blinds ya at times... I mean, how many guys would want a relationship with a woman who's had more partners than I care to mention, talked about her ex a lot, called said ex to tell him how she loves him, texted him while I was in the other room just to tell him how she missed being in his arms( gave me a BS excuse...Then again, I shouldn't of read texts...but it was because of the afore mentioned calls.), did some stupid shit while drunk ( not sleeping around...but close enough in my eyes)? Some might say I'm a fool, but ive had to weigh out feelings versus true love and even had it proven by many other things that ( as I see it) she loves me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Sometimes I still think I might just be fooling myself, but only time and effort will tell. My point is, ya never know exactly who you might be passing up, but you're entitled to your opinions. Love is a fickle beast.
What Vampire Neko said :P
@Yaasshat See, we think mostly alike but we differ in this area! I can't deal with that, even if a person loved me with all their heart I'd become a fire-breathing dragon and bite off their head if they did all of that... Of course this is a metaphor for the rage I would unleash on the poor soul that ever did any of the things you mentioned... Pure ignorance is where I draw the line, if you are a complete and total idiot and demonstrate you are so to me, I will not even give you a chance. Also, if you have no goals in life and are not working towards these goals if you do have them, I'll turn right back around.
top on my list: 1. Hygiene. I don't care how you do, if you smell like a foot and your funk is lingering then hell no. If you got a full set of teeth and 90 percent are about to rot out then you're a goblin. I've actually experienced this one: If you have a used tampon on your nightstand that has ending up being stuck from just leaving it there. Welcome to South Carolina. the bad part. 2. Features. Let's face it: Looks do matter, there's always a hint of judgement towards someone's appearance no matter how much of a saint and sincere they think they are. Growing up together and eventually forming a bond is one thing, but meeting new people there's always apprehensiveness. Own a mirror. 3. vampire_neko's reasons in this order: 6, 5, 4, 7, 2. I don't mind country and sometimes they get freaky and as long as there's nothing crawling in the bushes I don't mind poking my nose in her business. 4. Too much ditz. If you are in your mid-late-after 20s and act like your early tweens then I will eventually start to dislike you. Hard. I mean it's cute and all but when you run through public places and acting like a little kid when you obviously aren't... And no that's not being yourself, it's being obnoxious. Everything else I consider whatever. See where it goes from there.
1) I'm totally with kichigai913. I can't STAND smoking. I'll definitely pass on it, you can take your cancer sticks with you. 2) A man that doesn't like to work hard. I reach for the stars and perform to the peak of my abilities. I expect my love interest to be the same. 3) Someone who doesn't have an education after high school. Now I know I'm going to get a lot of mouth for this one, but it's just one of the things that I realized I can't look past. It doesn't at all mean that you're a bad person but from my experiences I seem to be much more comfortable in relationships where the guy is at least obtaining a bachelor's. 4) A man who can't take care of himself. Learn how to make phone calls and set up your OWN appointments. Learn how to find things out and take charge of a situation. Be confrontational and don't let people walk all over you. Basically, I need a MAN. Nuff said.
Hm....where to start... Smoking Past evidence of cheating Bad Hygiene Too much body hair Self-centered/selfishness Laziness Weak (you gotta be strong mind body and spirit. Otherwise you need not apply) Not a Christian. (If you're not religious/dont have the same faith its NEVER gonna work with me. My faith is part of who I am) Domineering/Controlling Overly sensitive
The way I see things is everyone has their flaws and no one is perfect. That being said if you can't keep up with your hygiene, sorry no go. I've been cheated on in every relationship, and I still believe everyone deserves a second chance.A Chance to grow and learn.
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