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Can't get in a relationship cause "I'm too nice"???

So I can think of reason for why a girl wouldn't like me, I tend to create misunderstanding when I talk, my love for anime and manga, could even be looks, but multiple times now (at least 3) I've been told that I was a really nice person and that's why they didn't want to go out with me and I can't understand that. I know the difference between nice to the point of annoying and all and I know I didn't do any of that but I can't figure out what they mean by too nice, does anyone have any ideas? EDIT: This problem is solved no need to keep commenting
Besides being a pushover or a doormat? Nope. Some women just want a more assertive and confident man. I suppose it would help to know the context of the situation if you want a real analysis.
There's a difference between saying one is a nice guy and actually being a genuinely nice person. People stating their whole "I'm a nice guy" usually means they aren't exactly the nicest even if that's what it may appear like on a surface level. A person that is genuinely nice doesn't need to state that they are because that kind of defeats the purpose as well. I kind of have to agree with Yaasshat on this one, it sounds more like you just care what others, more specifically women, have to think of you. I don't really know the context or who you are so I will try not to assume too much about the kind of person you are however, usually when someone claims that you're too nice it's just their polite way of saying that you aren't the kind of person that would be considered attractive to them. Really the only advice I can suggest if you want things to work out better is to just cultivate your own character. Don't worry about how you appear to others and just focus on yourself, besides it says in your profile you're still only 16 so you have plenty of time to develop relationships as you grow older. Trust me all the relationships I had in high school were all things I tried to just force and that's why I never got anywhere with it making my own self miserable. Don't try to rush things and just be you because if others are seeing that you're trying your hardest to better your own being that's what is going to draw them towards you. @Maverick: Nice guys finish last is also another saying that's completely ridiculous and untrue.
One of my best friends from school dated a single girl from 16 on. They married and have been together now 20 years. He is the only success story I know.
Well seeing as you wanted ideas lets see what I can do. First off as yaasshat said I would prefer a more informative description as into what exactly were they doing or what were you doing for that matter. That is if you dont mind. The second thing is do tell me what kind of people do you usually ask out personality types or what? Seeing that depending on who it is they just prefer a more confident person or assertive one over the other. Or moreover may just want that dominance in a relationship directed by you. Not that there is something wrong with either both have their cons and pros its how you as a person choose to interact with others under that form. On the matter of nice guys finishing last well it depends on how you define finishing last at. Its not always false. Moreover my advice to that is just to work on you as a person if that is what you think. Perhaps that might sound a little blunt but its the best thing to do.
They don't Mav. They don't. You're talking about something that happens in high school which as far as I'm concerned is a time in your life that will not matter in the long run and is only the prelude to you actually starting your own life of independence. Also, you generalize way too much about people claiming that these so called stuck up girls will only go for assholes or timid girls are far too shy. People focus far too much on relationships in high school and because of that you force your character into things you are not. Lastly, the whole you never get the girl you want in high school bit. How could anyone get the relationship they want out of high school? In most cases you won't truly know what you want until you explore your own being more, experience more independent living, and so on so forth.
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