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Girls and Make-up

Aug 22, 14 at 6:20am
oreo: I don't know if you know this but ... men were the first ones that wore make-up, way back in the day, make-up back than was more as a visual to show rank and shizzle ... the same goes for pink ... Pink is a men's colour, pink back in the days showed off how much of a man you were ... pink now is seen as a color for girls ... if you wear pink as a guy you're directly seen as a homosexual ... I don't see the relationship between pink and being a gay but apperently society stamped our face in with that and so be it .... <- for most people at least ... I personally like pink but not to wear it though, I prefer to wear purple ... I like purple. on a side note most of the things that are now seen as only women's come from men, just like purses ... melabel: it's not only america ... it's everywhere (almost everywhere) everything people think is just that ... thinking ... nothing more, nothing less. They think about society and was is viewed as 'normal', they want to do what other people do, just to fit in. And I want to do what other people don't, I want to be unique I want to stand out, I want to be myself not what other people want me to be. And that all because I know that I'm not like them ... haruu: everything you said is just in your head you know. You think you look better with make-up, but you don't ... you look the same but with some paint on your face. You're the same person with or without, YOU don't look better with or without but your image, a reflection of what you show to people looks different. Different not better or worse ... just different. It's all in your head and you're only throwing away your money on crap that you put on your face ... your only hiding your true self ... that's all ...
Aug 22, 14 at 1:48pm
I'm going to have to disagree with what you say. What people essentially deem as better or worse is subjective. What you think as different could be someone's better or worse. that "paint" on your face has functions such as highlighting which in some cases could make people look less tired or worn out. I dont know about you but to me, that is better than looking like a zombie. Why would this be important? Things like job interviews.. while theyre legally not supposed to hire people based on appearance it does affect their decision. Thats not to say that one puts a cake face on but at least make a good impression. And personally, while it was not a response to my post; your reply to haruu came off a bit rude (to me).. Something being in someone's head makes them human. Humans think and deduce things themselves. Thats what makes us human. Whether that's a good or bad thing could be debateable but that's not the issue at hand. People can disagree with you, but you actually state thinga as if it's fact. To me, make up is an investment in yourself. Besides, if people arent able to see my 'true self" through the crap on my face, i dont think i would have much faith in others.. I could ramble about this all day long and bring up quite a few arguments, but i wont.. mostly because touchscree keyboards are a pain. Lol. Sorry if i came off as rude or anything; i dont dislike you, juat your opinion. And of course, we could agree to disagree
Aug 22, 14 at 2:03pm
I sometimes tend to sound rude just know that I never mean to be rude ... I just don't lie, I mean I will tell you what I truely think ... if I hate you I will say it straight in your face ... I don't try to make things I say look good, I just say things the way I think they are. So to anyone reading this, if I ever sound rude, I didn't meant to ... on a sidenote ... yes touchscreen ffing sucks to type long messages .... How I see girls is way different then most men, because most men care more about looks then anything else. I have to say that looks mostly play a part to whether or not I'll talk to you in person. If you don't look like something I prefer I would mostlikely not start a conversation with you. However even if you don't match my wanted looks, if I notice something in your behavior that I like I might start a conversation with you even though you wouldn't match my preference ... Because for me looks can change, but personality isn't something completely different ... that aside, I have a question for you. Girls wear make-up to hide flaws, just like you said looking tired and such, girls wear high heels to give a false look of hight and even slimness ... with other a girl doesn't look like themself, they're a faked image of what they are. For me make-up is a mask, something you put on to hide your identity, that's why I don't like girls that wear make-up on a daily basis. For the question, if I would wear a mask, any kind of mask. And you would see me on the street, what would you think about me? O.O
Aug 22, 14 at 2:16pm
it kinda sounds like when women wear these things, you automatically think they're hiding their identity and thus, you're kinda already making judgements on that person based on their physical looks. I don't think we're all just tied to our physical look. I don't even think you can make that kind of argument because how a person dresses doesn't have any merit to a person's personality. So I don't think it's like wearing a mask. If anything makeup can be the opposite in allowing someone to have self expression just based on color choices and how they do their makeup. You seem really keen about how others perceive those who wear makeup, but it doesn't sound like you care terribly much for how people who do wear makeup feel.
Well not be rude or anything but... aren't you yourself hiding behind an anime pic? lol <3
Aug 22, 14 at 2:27pm
in a way I do care about what people that wear make-up thinks but so far everyone that's saying it is okay seem to be telling me the same thing over and over again ... a missperspective of what media makes you think ... also what you wear, clothing and so on shows off quite a bit of your personality, the way you feel, the way you think and so on ... It is who you are and the things you like that makes you made the descision to pick certain clothing. So personality and the things you wear is one and the same thing (kind of ). And yes that is true make-up can be a way for people to express themselves not only that make-up is an art. But just like art it's not something you wear/do everyday. I'm an artist, I write stories and poems, I draw and I paint (though I suck at painting)but I don't do that everyday, I don't write the same thing every day, I don't do the same thing every day .... In a way just like I said i care about what other people think ... but in another way I couldn't give a shit about peoples oppinion ... and yes I know how rude it all sounds but as I said ... i don't mean to O.O
Aug 22, 14 at 2:28pm
gud enough there oreo ? O.O
Aug 22, 14 at 2:33pm
I don't think wearing high heels makes me not a good person or that it is an indication of what kind of person I am. There are artists who do their art every single day, so I'm gonna discount that statement, and then not everyone does their makeup the same every single day, so that comparison is also pretty false. Many of the comments that are coming in from people who do wear makeup is that they do so because they enjoy it and honestly, there really doesn't need to be any more analysis than that, I think at any rate. Makeup is such a trivial thing and if it help make someone feel confident or beautiful, than whatever.
Aug 22, 14 at 2:33pm
You make a fair argument in that case, i suppose. . But again, i must state that it's all personal preference. There are many who think that makeup is a good thing. Eg. A guy knowing what his girlfriend's face looks like without makeup (in a weird way) would feel special while others always see her with make up all the time. Of course that isnt the norm but just an example.. The way i see it, if a person dislikes the way they look, wants to alter it and has the power to do so then why not utilize their resources? Without going into the whole "love yourself for yourself"or with what your parents gave you... idk. While it's a good saying to live by, i dont believe it applies to everybody. If you were born with good looks; perfect skin and body then lucky. However, many of us have flaws, while we could and do accept them,we also find ways to fix it. Its human nature. Why settle when there could be a way to resolve an issue or improve upon it (assuming you could afford to). We could all grow our hair out and tie it. We could wear plain shirts and pants. We dont because we have options. These options also affects your lifestyle, and viceversa. People change physically, yes. It signifies that we're aging, we're getting old. For many older women, this reminds them that they werent as youthful as before. You know what scares humans a lot? Death. Getting old just means getting closer to that as well. I dont think there is much other reason why people would be offended for age questions.. im not saying this is always the case but its one of many poasibilities. If you wore a mask and saw you on the street, i would think thats your business. While metaphorically, makeup is like a mask, they are in reality not the same so the comparison is invalid, imo. however, you must note that not all masks are the same. Masks could be a good thing. It could boost self confidence and help people with acceptance. It doesnt always mean conformity or something negative. Admittedly, i would be lying if i said i never question people's choices. Bright blue eyeshadow and a caked face doesnt suit everybody. It would remain a personal opinion but i would not outright question them myself. If it makes them happy, who am i to take that from them? Sorry if my reply isnt very clear and all over the place, but i could only type so much on this phone before getting frustrated at getting all the wrong words and letters ; u;/ And on another note; while i respect and like your honesty, there are just better ways to put what you say without accidentally hurting people's feelings. Just becareful because not everybody understands your real intentions. Please try to be more sensitive and take your time with responses. (I say this from personal experience; i used to be like that too haha~)
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