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Girls and Make-up

Aug 07, 14 at 3:11am
I like make up makes me feel a little more confident and its fun to put on as well :)
Aug 07, 14 at 6:44am
It's not that I'm completely against make-up or anything. It's just that I don't want girls to think they look worse without because they mostly look better without. I've met a lot of girls that think they have to wear make-up to look good and that is what annoys me so much, they think they look ugly without while they're really beautiful without make-up.
Makeup enhances beauty so i love wearing it. Keep in mind though i do not cake it on that looks horrible. Light makeup to cover dark spots, maybe a little mascara and eyeliner is all I need. I don't wear make up everyday, its not good for your skin and I think I look fine without it. We feel good when we put on makeup. Its to please ourselves, not others.
Aug 21, 14 at 12:38pm
I hate makeup because greedy bastard corporations want to kill my self love and image just so they can market me a product to make bank on. I love make up because I'm an artist, I love the artistic aspect of it (not just traditional American approach either, but paint practices of other or ancient cultures), and I also love the look I can achieve with it. I didn't grow up wearing makeup and my mom even forbidded me from having any. Even when the time came that I was allowed to wear it she discouraged it. She never wore makeup herself. I also didn't like it back then, but I knew that it was required to be "an ideal American and feminine woman". The first time I ever wore it was in high school and since my circle of influence at that time was into it I decided to give it a go. From that day I've had a love hate relationship with makeup. It didn't help that before makeup came into the picture I already had so many insecurities and things to not like about myself for various reasons. While I embarked on this makeup endeavor I told myself that I -am- beautiful just the way I am and I don't need makeup, that I would never hate myself so much or become so insecure that I would refuse to take a picture or walk out the door without makeup, and that I would not wear it religiously. I hated, and it still is a pet peeve of mine, when someone can compliment me when I'm wearing makeup but not when I'm not wearing it. I do appreciate what makeup can do, but I am still very attractive without it. Admittedly, I still struggle a little bit in the area in the sense that I wonder what type of person I'm trying to appeal to. Some men prefer makeup (they'd have to deal with me not wearing it all the time still) and some men don't like it at all. But above all I will wear makeup because -I- feel like it. I no longer struggle with an unhealthy self image so I can truly appreciate myself with and without it. Besides, that's a lot of poison to put on one's face and it costs money. Not too time consuming for me because I'm done in about five minutes or less. The makeup that I like the most is eyeliner, blush, and lip products. Most times that's all that I put on. I wish more guys liked natural girls though and that the media would portray more natural women as beautiful. /sigh/
Aug 21, 14 at 6:05pm
I feel like I skipped a lot of it but when I reread it I feel like I've been reading it over and over .... But: "but I knew that it was required to be "an ideal American and feminine woman" " that's what the media/society makes you think .... When I think about it girls have problems with everything .... without make-up they think they look bad, no matter the weight they'll always think they're fat, when losing hair they think they look ugly and so on .... the only thing I have been hating lately about people in general is how stupid they are ... they follow a road drawn out from their birth .... following what seems normal .... they don't live their lifes as they want and as long as they don't stand on their own legs they don't know anything about the real deal out there .... the fact that without earning money they can't go on, the fact that to earn money they need to waste time working .... all that time is lost .... time that you can't get back .... you work to get money so you can survive but eventually the only thing that you did is shorten your life and waste the time in which you could do the things you like to do .... And then I have a problem with myself .... just one thing .... my hair .... my hair makes me ... me If it lays bad I look bad ... and now I'm losing my hair ... I have no idea what I have to do now ... and in a way ... I don't give a shit. Because even if I look bad, if people judge me and so on ... no matter what I do ... my time is short ... I won't waste it to much thinking about how bad I look >.>
Aug 21, 14 at 7:12pm
I like makeup. It makes me feel pretty. Without makeup, I'm lazy, bland and boring..
Aug 21, 14 at 8:50pm
Me being I girl (profile default picture is my boyfriend), and at least for my situation, I have to disagree with you. For my case at least, I wear makeup because it does make me look nicer. I don't think I necessarily need it and I think I look fine without it, but I know that it does help me look better. I think if you can look nicer, then why not put in the time and effort into it? I mean I could walk out the door with no makeup and feel fine, but I know that I would look a tab bit nicer with it on. Same with clothes. You could wear that t-shirt but if you wore that blouse than it would probably look nicer, y'know. So this is just me, but I know other people do go overboard. Soo, yeah, I just think make up is nice, but that it all depends on how the person applying it goes with it.
Why do men not wear makeup though huh?... How did makeup even start?...... And why do girls look better with makeup?... they look the same to me... "unless you used to put soo much makeup that when you wear none you can see the huge difference" all these questions and more will be answered on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z, stay tuned.
Aug 21, 14 at 10:19pm
I wear makeup. I also don't think I need it, but I wear it when I'm trying to look nicer. I don't really have any kind of philosophy behind why I wear make up. I don't even think about society or guys. It's just something I do because I like it *shrug*
Aug 21, 14 at 11:35pm
Hero; Yep. That's exactly what society says. c: And you're also absolutely right about people. ><; But growing up in corporate America can you blame them? People are taught not to think, they are dumbed down, psychologically and emotionally attacked from so many different angles, and when people do try to break away from the system they are labeled enemies or psychos and attacked unmercifully until they cave back in to the slave/hive mind or die. I also agree that there are far more options available to people but so long as the corporations are the ones shaping America, "advising" the ignorant on "wise" decisions the cycle will just continue. Women of America are always going to have problems because they are always told that they are not good enough and have to fulfill a certain standard.
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