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Girls and Make-up

It's something that has been on my mind for a really really long time. But girls tend to think they look better with make-up and that they have to wear make-up to look good. Same with their nails, they want it long, get fake nails and shizzle. Though something that they don't realize is how many guys out there don't like it. Guys like me, that will most likely be disgust by it (disgust is a big word .....) I prefer a girl to show how beautiful she really is instead of hiding it behind some paint and plastic... There are even guys that dump or just leave girls because of it. When they meet he might be like oooh such a nice looking girl and than the make-up leaves the face and he doesn't even recognize her anymore .... don't take this to litteral ... Why is it that girls need this ? I mean most girls that I see look way better without than with For me girls with make-up look bad, fake and totally not themself What do you guys and girls as well, think about it O.O
There is going to be a shitstorm in this topic XD.
Jul 26, 14 at 6:00pm
probably .... I hope so XD
I don't know. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Women just look different with makeup is all, and if it makes them FEEL beautiful, why not? Every woman deserves to feel beautiful. They don't really look much different with makeup on to me, except when they really go all out. A lot of women keep a relatively natural look with their makeup, just hiding blemishes and accentuating their face. To me they look just fine without it (if anyone needs makeup it's us men XD). I suppose that my only problem with it is that women use it to get closer to that unrealistic standard that a lot of men have, which just reinforces it. Having a few blemishes or uneven skin tones is perfectly normal, and desirable really. It's more realistic. But ultimately whatever makes a woman happy is what she ought to do. Though they need not feel unattractive without it.
Jul 26, 14 at 6:15pm
that's just the problem I have asked a lot of girls/women why they wear it and it all came to the same point They want to look pretty for other people even though some of them didn't really like to wear make-up It doesn't make them happy, most of them now like ages 14 and up do it because others wear make-up as well (over here at least, Idk how it is over in other places) For me they spent hours in the bathroom to walk out looking less good as they did walking in. It's all good if it's just like to hide a zit or something but what I see walking around isn't just hiding something I think some girls just go to a farm and go face first into some cow shit .... not bad meant but it's like just a circle of dirt on their face O.O But I feel like girls are starting to think they have to wear make-up to look good >.> I don't wear make-up and I feel fabulous all the time O.O
Haha you are fabulous. We're all fabulous XD The point I was making of men wearing makeup is that we tend to be a little more notorious for blemishes, bags under our eyes, etc, since we don't use makeup and often times don't use the special moisturizers, lotions, creams, and all that other stuff that a lot of women do. I'm not really a big fan of lots of makeup either. Well, generally. For the "average" (for lack of a better term) woman, no makeup at all is perfectly fine to me. Though I don't hate it when they use light makeup. Really heavy makeup can be kind of unappealing, although I do make one exception to that. You see, for a long time I've really had a thing for visual kei, scene, or skater style girls. A lot of the visual kei or scene girls do really cool stuff with their eye makeup, have awesome hair, maybe some neat piercings, you name it. I always thought that was really cool, but then that's just a personal preference. That look requires a lot of makeup depending on how far they go (though I've seen some very cute girls that use very little makeup with that look too). But then it's only when you're really going for that look that it applies. The perfectly natural look is also great, without the dyed hair, makeup, and piercings. So to me it really comes down to the look they're going for. If they aren't going for any kind of look, and just being their natural selves, then little to no makeup is ideal. Also note that a particular style doesn't equate to beauty. It's just the particular way in which they are beautiful. But again, no girl should feel like she NEEDS it to look beautiful. That's just crazy. If they want to do it and feel beautiful for it, more power to them. It should definitely be a choice, not a mandate doled out by society. On the other side of that coin, if they WANT to do it I don't feel they should be denied doing so. That's like saying they shouldn't get piercings or tattoos either, because they don't look natural. Or that dying hair is wrong, because that's not your real hair color. Women look beautiful even without all those things, but they can also look beautiful with them. It should be dictated by their individual style. But I do agree, there are those who do it just because everyone else is doing it too. The caveat is that if they don't, then they may not meet the expectations of certain groups of guys which they might find appealing. Is a sad self-feeding cycle, that forces some to go along with it just because they don't want to be left out or feel undesirable. As tolerant as some guys are, we still have to remember that there are many more that aren't all that tolerant (of both genders). It's sad, but if you desire those intolerant types you have to do the silly things they require. And unfortunately many women do, so they have to wear the right clothing and use the right makeup to appeal to them. It's entirely superficial, but it's so very common. So to me it really comes down to the sort of woman it is, and what it is she likes. If she's the superficial type and only dates tall, dark, and handsome, and that tall, dark, handsome guy demands makeup, an amazing figure, and a certain style, a lot of girls will do it. Not that they should, but they do (and vice versa for men). Especially when the guy is really attractive, making it more competitive. Women that are open minded tend to be themselves more often than not, and just do what they like. To me that's the coolest. I'd say that in the end, the problem isn't really the makeup but rather how and why it's used. But maybe if a woman is overly superficial in her preferences, then she deserves the requirement to go to those lengths to be superficially appealing herself. That way there's no double standard. But for the rest of the women out there who are decent people, they have every right to not wear makeup if they don't want to, and still feel beautiful. Or wear makeup if that's what they like. Every woman is different.
Jul 26, 14 at 7:48pm
why is it so that other people say the same thing that I mean but it makes so much more sense hearing it from them than it is from me O.O I mean you just litterally said what I meant XD Well almost at least. The thing I find annoying (idk if that's the word for it) but girls or guys that change themself to get the attention they want from the ones they love. That guy or girl might than fall for the new you but is that really you. Is it really who you are and want to be? That's why I don't like make-up, it might hide how a girl/guy looks but it doesn't hide how/who they are. And unlike how it is for other people looks have little to no effect to whether I'll go out with you or not. Except if the look they have is unhealthy/unhygenic overall unclean. My points mostly go to whether they're hygenic and healthy and to how well mannered they are - when going out. Overall it's to whether she's childish yet just like a loving mother. Sweet, kind and udnerstanding. I have a little game on my phone that I like to play... moe can change you can create your own anime girl with specific characteristics/personalities ... and mine always have neat/sweet and childish idk why I mentioned that O.O
I just have a knack for going into obscene levels of detail is all. I like to expound on things and answer questions before they're asked. It's kind of a conversation killer though :D I definitely agree that women (and men too) shouldn't change their style into something entirely different just to appeal to someone. Modest adjustments are one thing, but a complete image change to impress one person can't be good. Especially if you then get rejected or dumped anyways. But I've seen it happen. Too many times. A self-motivated image change is an entirely different story though. I personally like to try and see past the makeup. Determine what they really look like underneath it. It's sad to say, but there are probably guys who fall in love with the makeup, the hair, and the clothes rather than the girl. It actually reminds me of a court case I saw on TV, where a guy divorced his new wife because she stopped dressing up like she did before the marriage and just wanted to wear comfortable clothes around the house. He didn't love her, only the image she portrayed. Once the illusion was gone, so was he. I find hygiene to be tricky business. For instance, diabetics can have trouble with tooth decay even with good hygiene. And if they can't afford dental work, well, it may get out of hand. That's more an issue of genetics and income than hygiene. I've also encountered a couple people in my life that had bad natural body odor. They had to take medications for it, which don't always do the trick. Very unfortunate. Even obesity isn't always a good indicator, since it can be contributed to by diabetes (though being very strict helps here) and thyroid conditions. I've seen both. Hygiene is definitely important, but unless it's really bad it can usually be addressed. So long as they're already making some effort instead of just deteriorating. Hell, I'd even pay for dental work or gym membership for the right person (I love a good gym buddy to work out with anyways!). I guess, I just don't expect someone to be in perfect condition from the start. Just that they make the effort and keep striving for it.
well, to be quite honest, as a girl that wears makeup when i want to, it has nothing to do with what men will think of me. it has to do with my own confidence and comfort level. i shave and paint my nails because it makes me happy, not because im trying to impress someone. this reminds me of the old feminist argument that women shouldnt wear heels or dresses because men want them to. if i feel comfortable and happy about wearing high heels and makeup then why not?? its just my biggest pet peave that men (especially in this fanbase) think everything is about what they want and feel but in reality a woman should do what makes HER happy.
I like make up. Its fun putting on and it makes me happy. Do I wear it everyday? No. Some occasions, like going to the gym, does not require me to put any on. But I do like it and yes, wearing it makes me feel pretty but that shouldn't be a bad thing.
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