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Girls and Make-up

Aug 22, 14 at 2:36pm
Before I do anything else I have to do this ..... *FACEPALM*
I hate thinking about death, I'm more scared of dying with regrets though, too much stuff I wish I could do, but so little time
Aug 22, 14 at 2:48pm
@oreo;; definitely regrets > death. people die. Im also just afraid of the way i die over the idea of death itself.
lol I always joked around with my friends that I wanna die by being fed to tank of sharks, but yea I feel you. I just wanna die fast and painless without suffering.
Aug 22, 14 at 3:01pm
eru: I have so much to respond to taht I don't know where to start... so let's start at my favorite topic no matter in which way it's put down ..... death It's something I see a lot as well, younger people are less scared of death because they think they still have a long time to go, so they'll only fear it when it almost happens to them. For me, I've been put trough a lot of things, abuse and such, won't go to much in detail but at this moment my life is hanging on just a little thread. I've been having heart faillures for years tbh (never really talked about it with anyone until the pain was unbareable for me ... which doesn't happen a lot) but it has been getting worse and now I could litterally die any second of the day. I might survive and heal up and live for many many years but since I don't take my meds, if my body can't counter the infection the only thing that'll happen is spread, if it has the time or just make my heart stop at any point given. And I'm one of the few people that you'll meet that really doesn't care about it, I have accepted it years ago. Since I started thinking like from when I was 4, I did just that, think, a lot ... everything I do goes automatically I don't think about the things I do but I think about life while doing things. It's something I keep myself busy with. So when i was younger I realized that no matter what I do, no matter what choices that I would make in my life, I will die at the end. And thus I also tried to do everything when I was young and now I'm bored all day long because I've done pretty much anything I wanted to do, besides learning to drive and drive ... anyway onto the next part XD I'm not born with perfect skin, I have many flaws. But I never cared about it. I have had a virus inside my body which made certain parts (for me it was mostly my face and head) itch like crazy, and because of taht I scratch so much that it litterally started bleeding. So my entire face was ... a mess and that's said in a nice way ... People judged me from miles away but of course to scared to say anything in my face >.> I didn't really care about it ... in a way I liked it, I liked to be different even if it was painful, i was unique and that's what I want ... I want to be myself ... Though not sure where I'm going with all of this, there was something I cared about for the longest time .... my hair ... i'm balding, it started in the front like a lot of guys at age of 30 (though i'm only 20) and now I almost have nothing on top on a specific spot.... It bugged me so much but lately ... I haven't really thought about it to much, I really don't care about it anymore. My looks aren't changing who I am ... anyway next thing ... You say wearing make-up and a mask is different but it's how I see it, everything I say is still how I see it. It's not how it really is, I mean it aren't facts that are true it's what I think, feel ... my oppinion .... but truely for me a girl with make-up is just the same as a girl with a mask ... the only difference I would mostlikely come talk to you if you were wearing a mask ... unlike you with make-up XD So maybe yes it is different .... but I can tell that you understood what I meant ... in a way, I judge people that wear make-up. I shouldn't do things like that I know, but my main point was actually that girls shouldn't feel like they look ugly without. A lot of girls taht I know think they look bad without, while guys like me prefer girls that don't wear make-up and also get annoyed by girls saying that they need make-up to look good, to feel better and so on ... And tbh, in a way I also wear make-up ... if you concider make-up=mask ... since I can't be myself on the street ... it has become such a habit to not be myself that I just hide away and be what seems 'normal' to other people. Only 'accessory' is what makes me feel a little bit more free ... a little bit more, myself ...
Aug 22, 14 at 3:08pm
oreo ... I wouldn't really want to die in a tank full of sharks ... I find sharks cute ... I don't want to die by something that I find cute O.O
Fam your face looks fine, I dont see anything wrong with it
Aug 22, 14 at 3:15pm
is that to me? O.O if so ... it happened couple of years ago ... I don't have that problem anymore O.O though in a way if it wouldn't have itched I would mind it O.O
Aug 22, 14 at 3:15pm
That's alright, I'm just glad that youre more rational and levelheaded than most people i reply to in forums. Thank you for not exploding and raging over me as sharing my opinion. You have my sympathy, and i only wish you the best. More people need to stop being unhappy with themselves; but like i said, if makeup makes people happy then im all for it (within reason). It's perfectly alright to have your own preferences; the only reason why i responded was because of the way yoy went about it tbh. And it's also okay to judge people; itit's natural. Just dont get judgemental to the point that it's inappropriate ie. "She wears so much makeup so she must be insecure or a slut.." . But from what ive seen so far, im sure youre not that type of person. Again, this is all subjective and I'm tired of typing on my phone so ill just leave it at that.
Hmmmmm. Makeup. Make up. Make up. (Moon Crisis poooower make up!) Make up is kinda a neutral aspect to me. It'll make you look nice and clean, but only if ya don't over do it. I srsly seen some girls with the face of a doll. Kinda ehhh. Then again I'm a total noob at putting it on. What I like to do is practice and just paint my face silly for fun.
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