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Is it worth it?

The deeper I get into the relationship with my current boyfriend, the less and less my affection grows for him. I hate to say it, but I just don't get that same infatuation as when we first began dating. I feel like it has alot to do with several factors. 1. We are in a LDR. 2. The last couple of nights, he hasn't even said I love you. This was a daily thing that he never missed a beat on, but now skips and doesn't really bother to make attempt and showing me in anyway that he does. 3. Lack of communication. This has been our biggest issue and one that never gets resolved. Literally, throughout the day, I would have to delete my inbox whenever we first were seeing one another. Now I'm lucky if I fill it halfway. We just end up in dead end conversations. I could mention some other things, but mostly, I just don't get that feeling of breathless, crazy, lovey dovey nonsense that people talk about two people have if they care for each other. I don't know if I should end it or see if it can be worked on. I know he isn't gonna be perfect, but he doesn't even do little things that scream "I love you." It's just so simple and should be one of those things you'd make an effort if you say you do love someone. I can't determine if I should break it off or not.
Long distance relationships are much harder than even regular relationships which are already tough! That's why I don't bother, but it's up to you if you want to continue it. Try talking to him and see how he feels about it.
In the end it's completely up to you on what to do. I've been in plenty of long distance relationships in my younger days and nothing saved them. Talking on the phone every day, caming, etc. none of it is enough to compensate for the lack of face to face time and physical contact. In the end one of you might find someone close that interests you and since that person is next to you and your partner isn't that's just one way things can end. I've also been at the point where I just go on auto-pilot y'know just kind of saying things without really meaning them or not truly being interested in what was happening in the other person's life because I wasn't there. It's also easier for one of you to become jealous or suspicious at simple things such as the other person going out to eat with friends or to the movies or whatever, once again because you weren't there to experience that. Well just my 2 cents only you can make the choice but if it has gotten to the point where either of you are on auto I don't think there's too much hope.
We don't even do those...Before I moved away, he said we'd skype and do things via webcam and talk on the phone, but that was just an empty promise. It does hurt my feelings and I would be lying if I said sometimes I wonder why he is always so busy enough to not talk...
Well don't beat yourself up over wondering something you may never know. Just simply look at yourself and your situation and ask, Am I happy? Do I honestly want this to work out? Do I think it CAN work out? Is there a future for this/us? Once you can answer those or even if you can't find an answer then you should have an idea of what to do next.
Long distance can only work if both sides make and effort to keep it. That means having to actually visit at lest once a year, or send a something physical (flowers, or any gift) Also its the summer, there is a lot of outdoor activities that could be going on to keep the text messages down the computer face time down.
How far away does this guy live?
An hour. So he still comes visits, it's when he isn't here that we have problems.
WOW an hour is long distance now? Sigh. Things are worse than I thought if you're that close and things are like that.
If I lived an hour from a girl I was seeing I would still visit her weekly even if I only had a bike to ride. Though I would likely still pay friends for a ride. If I had a car, it wouldn't even be an issue. Right now I would probably walk that far just for sex, lol.
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