Persona Series?

cwwkeeler @cwwkeeler
Persona Series?
cwwkeeler @cwwkeeler
Have any of you guys played the Persona Series? If so what's your favorite? Mine is Persona 4.

watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
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Persona Series?
watzlowick-kun @watzlowick
I've played a bunch of SMT games, Persona 3 was probably my favorite.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Persona Series?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
The King's orders are absolute.

Taro @taro
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Persona Series?
Taro @taro
It's tough to pick between 3 and 4....I'd say I enjoyed 3's story more and 4's mechanics more

Arc @arc
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Persona Series?
Arc @arc
I liked a lot of the characters in persona 3 but I'm going to have to go with Persona 4 because Nanako is the most adorable character in a video game ever created.

Yu @metaljester
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Persona Series?
Yu @metaljester
You have picked a subject I personally love. Have played all of the persona games.
Favorite is 4 and 3.
Am pretty excited for the new one though event if not much was revealed.

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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Persona Series?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
4 without a doubt that and since i loved persona 4 arena

lonerabidwolf @lonerabidwolf
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Persona Series?
lonerabidwolf @lonerabidwolf
I kinda liked 3 better than 4 but when I beat 3 I was playing Persona 3:FES which had a bit more content to it. I'm really looking forward to Persona 5.

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
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Persona Series?
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
I liked Persona 3 but I'd hand it over to Persona 4 if they allowed me to date Nanako-chan.
God damn it.

cwwkeeler @cwwkeeler
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Persona Series?
cwwkeeler @cwwkeeler
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