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Is weight an issue?

Jun 01, 14 at 5:03pm
I like my guys fit, but not ripped. My current partner could use some more upper body definition, but he can squat almost four times my weight. His steel booty is fascinating, but I have more stamina than he does. He used to be a competitive eater but he lost a lot of weight during college. Wonderful transformation. In theory I would be comfortable with a chubby guy, no more than 150 pounds if they fall under 5' 10". Ideally almost identical to my body type because too much weight is scary and overwhelming if they get on top of me.
150 lbs? I was 145 at 5'7 and was in great shape. Ive put on a lot of muscle since then so Id be close to ripped at 150 now. People put on weight differently, so a strict height:weight ratio can be a little misleading. Rib size, shoulder width, and muscle mass/distribution are all important in determining whether someone looks good at a given weight. Body fat % is far more indicative of a persons visual condition. In fact, my younger brother just hit his early teens, is about the same height I am (we all grew pretty early), and is closer to 170 lbs and is in amazing shape. There's no excessive body fat on him at all. His build is a bit smaller than mine, with arms half the size of mine, but at about 5'7 - 5'8 he's incredibly healthy. If he spent half as much time in the gym as I have, he'd be ripped. Genetics are an important factor. As for my personal opinion on weight, a little weight actually looks healthy in many cases. Morbid obesity is a definite turn off, but a person within say 25 lbs of their ideal weight is generally fine. There are exceptions though based on how well a person carries their weight.
Jun 02, 14 at 4:46am
In theory, I said. I am not ignorant of the variation in body types or whatever.
Jun 02, 14 at 5:00am
I dated a few bigger girls before. One of them was a real sweetheart. I feel conflicted admitting it but weight only became a turn off after I improved my appearance and also lost weight.
I do have a bit of a fetish with having doggy style sex with a thicker girl with a big butt. I love that slapping sound. Otherwise I prefer girls that are curvy or slightly thick but not too big or too skinny. Although it's not a major criteria, I've dated all types.
i put in soo much weight since i got into powerlifting, both fat and muscle, im 5'10 218 pounds but im gonna try to cut & diet this summer, key word "try"
lol and back to that car theory, what does it mean if I drive a mustang? because it seems that like everyone in the world has a mustang.
I've got a mustang as well. Makes getting from A to B much more fun. I'd say it just means you want someone that's fun and casual, because it's a fun and casual car (until you start modding it anyways). Not casual in the casual sex kind of way mind you, though for some perhaps that is their intention. And I also put on a bit of weight from lifting, especially because lifting heavy used to be all I cared about at the gym. Now I'm trying to switch it up with more cardio to just get in shape instead of build strength. The cutting phase is tough so I feel you :\
I feel like someone on this thread is really obsessed with how much other people weigh when really they probably should focus on their own weight and body appearance because they aren't the picture of health. As for how me, I accept people for what they are. I also think being motivated for your significant other or a Cosplay is admirable and if that gets you motivated by all means go for it! But remember that you are doing it for yourself! It's healthy and being fit and trim is a healthy goal if you don't go overboard. :) I'm doing the ab challenge this month. Totally excited about it. We shall see how that goes for me. :)
Jun 02, 14 at 7:16pm
I drive a Toyota Tundra, it in no way relates to what I prefer in a woman. I have always been attracted more to the waifs than bigger women, but I have dated all across the spectrum. Everything from 7 inches shorter and 150 lbs. lighter to 3 inches taller and close to the same weight. Physical attraction is important, but not as much as other connections.
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