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Is weight an issue?

May 16, 14 at 1:14pm
i wonder if this is consensual, just look at the butter
May 16, 14 at 1:17pm
Poor butter sad part is when I utilize butter I always put it on the pan first so that means when I place something on it then it will be the bottom of the act.
May 16, 14 at 1:19pm
I laughed harder than I should have when I first saw the pic And Yu, you have a good point there...
You should have seen my face when I looked at the previous page.....
I like big butts and have probably dated more girls close to 200lbs and over than skinny girls. I like curvy girls and I don't mind bigger girls as long as they aren't so big that it effects their ability to be active or have good hygiene. I don't care for too much over 250lbs, around 300lbs is about my limit. I like about 140-180lbs depending on height but exact weight is not really an issue. I also feel weird with girls that are too skinny.
May 16, 14 at 2:07pm
yeah love for the big girls :D!
May 16, 14 at 2:16pm
Why was this thread created?.....We have at least 5 identical ones here on MaiOtaku.... Well, anyway, i'm not reading these 5 pages. But I will say this, weight SHOULDN'T matter. But I guess, everyone has their preferences. ._. Me personally? Weight isn't an issue for me, it's okay if someone is heavy. But extremely skinny turns me off...
May 16, 14 at 2:20pm
i made one of those 5 other posts, but this is easier then bumping we have new members every day so y not create a new one for them? hell when i made my other weight thread u guys weren't even on this site ;P and yeah in a perfect world
May 16, 14 at 2:48pm
You've made this topic 5 times? Dedication maxed.
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