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For the love of alk that is sane.

like that hot female teacher last year got arrested for having sex with a student, is that a considered a guy attacked by a pedo? or one lucky son of a gun? ;D
@Jikokun nope not new. Been a member for over 1 years or more, just hardly ever post.
Yeah well too bad I'm not black like you Yudodat. :T Yeah Chobits.. I wish they would kind of see that but no matter what people are stubborn and will continue to try to prove there ' point ' in which of coruse in the end is completely usless because somethings can't be avoided and somethings just won't change no matter how much you poke at them. It just ends up as alot of wasted energy and ruffled feathers. I'm sorry but Mai Otaku will not become +18 dating site. It just isn't gonig to happen and you have to COEXIST with teens, I'm sorry to all the adults that think they don't have the ' right ' to be here, In reality what makes you think you have the ' right ' to decide something like that? Just because your an adult and your +18? I'm sorry but that isn't how everything works in this world. Especially not on the internet my friend. Keep coming on Mai Otaku, Keep posting and being active, And contribute and support this site. Because if your 15 or 18 or 40. Mai Otaku doesn't care because Mai Otaku accepts everyone that LOVES ANIME. Because that is how is should be. Let us learn something from this wonderful site, I love you Mai Otaku.
Apr 24, 14 at 5:47pm
"Yeah well too bad I'm not black like you Yudodat. :T" ^ Are you fucking kidding me?
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I just got banned..lmao AND IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING. I Wrote that wrongly, I met when he said ' The pot calling the kettle black ' I MET TO SAY THAT WELL TOO BAD THAT I'M NOT A BLACK KETTLE LIKE HES A BLACK POT. Lmao..It has nothing to do with skin color, I MET THE COLOR OF THE KETTLE. SHEESH. Lmfao, I'm not that low to make fun of skin colors..Sheesh If I was, I'd HATE MYSELF.
Apr 24, 14 at 6:10pm
Seems like I wasn't the only one who misunderstood. Wow, the mods have been really crazy and strict lately. This is starting to look like the Jikokun stuff. ._. Scary... o_O
I think that the thread poses a completely valid argument. If it's a dating site, I think that young anime fans shouldn't be allowed. I really feel like no immature person should be allowed but there is really no way that can be prevented. If you guys see other sites where you can socialize, then you probably should just go there.
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-Sniffles- It was a misunderstanding... I'm not coming on anymore..! -Teary eyes- I-I don't want to remake my profile..I don't care! It isn't like I'll find anyone who will love me anyway..! Your a mean mod, I wouldn't make fun of someones skin color..! It was that stupid joke!! I was trying to be witty..!! C-Can't you be more forgiving! W-Whatever..I don't care, Shin's a meanie anyway.. I was just trying to protect the rights of the teens.. You meanies want to drive them out and that is wrong... I don't care..anymore do as you wish. Good day.
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