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For the love of alk that is sane.

Also Missally, Alot of dating sites allow bellow 18.. Mai Otaku is just one of these dating sites. Just gotta deal with it. Sadly there is no other choice.
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What is your definition of "a lot" because none of the others I have visited are. Js
Hnnnng...Yeah, I'm just gunna deal with. The mod won't unbann because I have a feeling there is no unbanning, I think they delete the profile when they bann someone. Sooo, Yeah. I don't care honestly..I threw my one minute fit. I don't even plan internet dating so I'll just remain anonymous like yudoihate.
I could say more, but its beating me head into a wall. I understand both sides. Ive been listening. These are kids we are talking about. This is the internet, kids will lie about their age, fine. At least the SITE ITSELF will be covered legally. On top of this, the chance of a preditor targeting a child with a 18+ sign on the front door is reduced ANY THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT! ITS NOT ABOUT KIDS CHATTING ON THE FORUMS, ITS NOT ABOUT KIDS BEING STUPID. Its the ADULTS WHO PREY ON CHILDREN that is the problem. No Kids = no pedophiles. Simple. But as I said, kids will lie about their age, and that's all well and good for them. Their choice. But at least there is SOMETHING being done about the situation rather than nothing. For fucks sake people.
Apr 24, 14 at 6:21pm
I'm mean? What did I do? ._. Also, it is possible to get unbanned, I can vouch for you to have you unbanned.
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Apr 24, 14 at 6:24pm
@yudodat I've seen many dating apecific sites that users under 18 to register. Not saying I agree with it, but they exist.
You see the problem with Mai Otaku itself says and advertises itself as a dating site but it is actually kind of a social site as well, So it's like a hybrid of both. And because of this could be why they allow bellow 18. Like Facebook and Myspace that are social sites but also dating sites because people put the dating into it. Also let's not forget that anime in general is directed mostly towards teens and young adults, SO This also can be the reason why Mai Otaku is not +18. If it were not for the fact its about Anime, It probably would of been +18. Well..If you guys can vouch me for unbann that would be nice.. As I didn't mean the black joke as skin color..Lol..I Really met it as the color black..And the kettle..pot..joke..-Face Palm- I never will be witty again if it makes me get banned..x.x
No dating site will EVER allow children and adults integrated. Fuck if I have to, ill spend the fucking time on my phone and look up the laws so you people will shut up about the fucking other dating sites. God damn it. Right, wrong, or indifferent people.. THESE ARE FUCKING CHILDREN. I guarantee you once you people against this have children you will understand. I dont have any myself, but I raised 2 for 7 yyears, and I would NEVER want them to be put into a position where they could possibly be taken advantage of. That is why an age restriction is important. RAAAGGGEEEE.
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