Akatsukiblast @akatsukiblast
commented on
Akatsukiblast @akatsukiblast
Know the feeling. Always thinking that there's no one out there for yeah. Just don't give and have alittle hope, cuz without hope, then there is no point in trying.

hannahelizabeth13 @hannahelizabeth13
commented on
hannahelizabeth13 @hannahelizabeth13
Isn't it why almost ALL of us are on here? BECAUSE we feel we are forever alone? I'm turning sixteen in about 2 months and I've already been cheated on, used, thrown away, bullied, and friend-zoned... Superficial looks and "sex" is what it usually always boils down to in a community with only a few otaku's like me.. all of my friends are in relationships already and im the last one.. *I* feel very forever alone, but that's why im here.. so i could possibly with a slim chance take a risk and put myself out there so i can try to find someone to connect with and spend time with.. sorry this is long im in a 'ranting' mode ^^;;;

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Forever alone is my sexual orientation :O

wiglaf @wiglaf
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wiglaf @wiglaf
It seems more likely every day. Some of you that are worried you'll be alone forever are really young and quite pretty, I don't know why you'd be worried.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Kyetge! @kyetge
I think some of us would benefit from being patient and working on our inner glow, and when the world is ready, it will be drawn to your light.

Proud Beast @proudbeast
commented on
Proud Beast @proudbeast
I agree. Just don't overdo it or you'll glow so much that you'll burst like a star. I mean you made it this far, right? Ya got plenty of time to shine.

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
commented on
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
Well, I'm taking a crack at various activities to distract myself from the thought of being alone. Picked up some clothing, cloth and crafting materials to work on incomplete cosplays.
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