Tell us an intresting fact about yourself

Neishy @neishkeish
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Neishy @neishkeish
But...Uncle that's illegal xD I'm the kind of idiot that crawls into a dryer when i'm two. Baka.
Seki ~ Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if your mom did do that to you muahahaha

. @saita
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
. @saita

xueli @xueli
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
xueli @xueli
I'm so scared of heights that I have issues playing something like the arial stages in mario bros. Like heart rate increases, sweat palms, terrified issues.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
When I was a kid I lived in Hawaii right on the beach. Like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch I would walk around and take photos of and with random people. I still have a lot of them. lol

Arc @arc
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Arc @arc
Cool stories. Missallyesterday, I'm especially jealous of yours since I've been to hawaii before on vacation and never wanted to leave.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
@Arc Yeah, it's really nice. I lived there for a few years, my dad is military so I've been all over the place.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I was Born Right yet was force Left at the age of 4.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I'm really only 12.

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
im not interesting at all... i come from a family of thieves... idk... i have aztec blood, the only thing ive been proud of that i did something good was saving 2 people from drowning

bloodbolt942 @bloodbolt942
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
bloodbolt942 @bloodbolt942
I'm white and a nerdy...
Seriously though... all my childhood pets are almost gone... down to 1 from the 5 ive had since i was like 7ish
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