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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself

One of my eyes see's everything in a slightly rosyer color than the other.
When I was about two years old, I almost died from a really bad ear infection-- if the infection had gone into my brain the way the doctors said it would if it went untreated, I wouldn't be here now. ovo; Also, I'm such a big fan of Transformers that in my sophomore year of high school I was simply known as "the Transformers girl" to everyone outside my closest friends, since I had an Autobot hoodie I would always wear. ovo
I come from a line of stoic German expats. (I will admit they were stoic out of necessity.) My father says I display similar traits to them. lol I'm also half Korean. I've got a natural knack for languages, a longing to roam, a seemingly indifferent expression, a high tolerance for pain, and a high tolerance to alcohol. Whether it has to do with my heritage or not is debatable though.
Double post??? *gasp* Not sure how this happened, though.
Umm.. I saved a shopping mall from burning down like 6 years ago. Someone threw a cigarette butt into a potted plant. It was the middle of summer and everything was dry and breezy. The pot with pine needles ignited almost instantly and the breeze started blowing the burning ash into the other planted bushes that lined the mall walls outside. Since the ground around was covered in the same dry pine needles those ignited too and started making its way around. While others pointed and took pictures with their phones, I stopped doing that too and decided to be a cool guy, got a fire extinguisher from around the corner and started spraying. Smelled like ash afterwards but contained the fire from spreading more until a fire truck rolled around to where I was. I handed off the extinguisher and went inside to get a frozen cappuccino and play more DDR. A week later I got fired from my job for being drunk on my break because someone tattled on me.
^Reminds me, I almost burned down my school on accident. There was a crawl space in the gym stage that led to a tiny room where we weren't supposed to go so of course a friend and I decided to go back there. There was one bare lightbulb for light sticking out of the wall next to the insulation. Well my friend said he was going back in later so I left the light on and the bulb got too hot and caught the insulation on fire. I got to school the next day and the gym was filled with smoke. I told the principal what happened and didn't even get in trouble.
I've almost been killed acidently like alot, and Ive had both of my arms pulled out of there sockets that may seem like nothing but when you try to pick something up and your arm falls the wrong way and now you look like a praying mantis with arms that feel like they are on fire and a arm sling to go with It.
I once broke my wrist right outside a doctor's office... just after my brother got his cast off of his wrist.
I have the dorkiest and most annoying laugh. It makes other people laugh because of how I laugh which makes me laugh more which...well you get the picture, so I try not to laugh.
I tend to cosplay as the strong type of guy. I help to raise my parent's chickens. I am one of the highest level staff at my job, but I don't earn it. Also, I don't even have a key.
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