The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
Before I get started, I do have a couple of rules for the thread.
1) No Spam Please >: This is a serious inquiry, but that doesn't mean you can't have F.U.N here with your best buddies.
2) When picking your villain, they have to be evil to the core. No villain that turns over a new leaf or changes sides. A true villain is one that thinks what they are doing is legitimately for the better or tramples anyone to get what they want.
3) You can pick more than one! I know I have at least two in mind.
AND...-pause for dramatic effect-...GO!
So the one villain that popped into my head first is Naraku from Inuyasha. If you want to know evil incarnate, well he is definitely your villain. Not only is he deceitful, he literally can turn people against one another without doing much of anything. He uses everyone to do his bidding and toys with people's emotions for the fun of it. Other anime's should take notes if they ever want to create an evil villain like him.
2) Light(AKA)Kira - from Deathnote. This guy is scary. A seemingly harmless high schooler, but the moment a dark power fell into his hands, he thinks he is some kind of god on a conquest to kill and judge other criminals or 'bad people' but sure enough he becomes corrupted by wielding this power and gets engulfed by madness. Kira only cares about his goal to rid the world of evil and is willing to sacrifice everything in order to achieve it even if meant taking innocent lives.
Those are my top picks. I can't wait to see who you choose.

Arc @arc
commented on
The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
Arc @arc
1) I've got to give it to Madara Uchiha. He is so badass that he takes on and decimates an army of ninja in hand-to-hand combat, then summons not one, but two gigantic meteors as he lays a smackdown on all the kages.
2) now for a not-so-well-known character, Harry MacDowell from Gungrave. This mafia guy sports the most awesome suit, and point-blank fires a bullet into his closest friend's skull because he wouldn't help him betray boss and take the mob throne. After killing his best friend, he kills anyone around him because he thinks they forced him to kill his best friend, who he respects more than anybody. And man, can this guy rock a suit.

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
commented on
The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23

Terumi @terumi
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
Terumi @terumi
Yuuki Terumi smokes all villians. List of accomplishments, Trolled Nigh-Omnscient beings in 0.01 seconds, created NOL and Sector Seven organizations(Which are the two fighting in Blazblue) Killed Nine and Trinity by pure manipulation,the slaughter them, recovered Nines spirit and put into phantom(A Tool to help them), Can make even the most sane person kill their loved one by just speaking, Only way he can be killed is to be seperate from Hazama and hit with Time Killer attack(Which this attack can kill anyone with a sense of time, anyone from DBZ,Naruto,One Piece, or Bleach would get annilhated by this attack), he created the Azure Grimoires, cut off Ragna's arm and gave him a fake azure, created Prime Field devices capable of killing gods, and to top it off he created the black beast along with relius.

Terumi @terumi
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
Terumi @terumi
Also at full potential he can eat your consciousness and memories.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Legato Bluesummers from Trigun. He can kill you just by looking at you. He has no regard for himself at all except as a tool of misery and death. Since he has no ego or self worth, you can't argue with him or offend him. He hates all humans including himself. His only purpose is to inflict suffering and death.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I actually just got done watching Blazblue: Alter Memory. I might have to cosplay Ragna at some point.

Buji @buji
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
Buji @buji
Even though Ragyo from Kill la Kill is my favorite, I'd have to say Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures is pretty evil.
So is Squealer from Shinsekai Yori

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717

leigh22 @leigh22
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The Most Evil Badassery Villain ever created in an Anime?
leigh22 @leigh22
I'm gonna say Legato as well
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