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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Age is subjective, but it mainly comes down to maturity as mentioned above. I don't think id have much on common with a 16 or 17 year old being 33 let alone the social stigma of dating a girl who was still a minor in high school. I do see a lot of otaku girls but most of them are either too young or don't want to date a guy who is over 30 with so many guys around closer to their age who are into similar things. As far as this site goes, I can't realistically consider a LDR as viable and I've barely seen anyone who even lives within 200 miles of my area. It wouldn't be easy for me to just pick up my life and move halfway across the country on a whim because I wouldn't have the finances to do it. It would take months of saving and planning under the best circumstances and even then it would be a big gamble on a hope the relationship would last more than a year or two. If things would go south, I'd be stuck in an area with no family near by and the lone reason I moved there no longer being in my life. Maybe if I were younger with fewer commitments it would be easier but not at this stage of my life. I apologize for rambling along, and I'm glad for those who are able to find someone through here, but I'm really not holding my breath that I'm personally going to find someone, at least on here other than internet friends.
we guys are just too creepy that's why we don't find girls and we have weird fetishes
Back in my hometown there was no lack of single females at anime cons, and the gender rate was close 50/50 But it was either 1) a bloody battlefield to get the attention of a girl 2) creepy girls who made even me the creepiest of the weird con goers go "um... you're creeping me out"
I have a hard time finding "otaku" that I can stand to be around of either gender. The quotes are there because I actually hate that term but that's whatever. That said, female fans aren't rare but it is a male dominated demographic I'd say somewhere between 60/40-75/25 split male/female
Julio, nothing wrong with the super creepy girls. Unless she bites the heads off chickens or something.
I don't really think otaku girls are hard to find. Now lesbians, that's another story altogether.
In my opinion lesbians don't seem to be that hard to find, and usually the ones I find are very attractive T-T (no luck for me since I'm a guy) now if your talking about lesbians only and not bisexuals that may be different or maybe if your talking about lesbians only but also anime lovers then yeah I can't really comment on that...
I would think that the percentage of lesbians, or at least bi-sexual, in the anime community would be higher than the average for most other groups. I know that it is higher in the gamer community, or at least my gamer community.
Yeah I know the gamer percentage is a lot higher. I don't ever mind because I'm a gamer too.
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