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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Let's also be honest about something, throughout our lives I'm pretty sure we've all met plenty of otaku of both genders (especially if you go to conventions). So when we ask are otaku men/women hard to find, we're really just asking "how hard is it to find an otaku man/woman that I find attractive and is attracted to me enough to start something."
For me it's finding an Otaku girl that is not in high school or jailbait and is old enough to consider dating a 37yr old.
vampire, going to have to agree on the jailbait issue. I'm less concerned about if they are "old enough to consider dating a 37 year old," and more with what level of mental maturity they are at, and of course if they are legal. At 30 I dated someone who was 19. She was great and rather mature for her age due to dealing with an ailing mother for a long time. It didn't work out though, but that was more to due her deciding she wanted children than to fights or anything. Then again, her parents were 10 years apart in age so it was a little more accepted. Rou, that is the issue with cons. Yes, there are a lot of otaku girls there. If I were still in my teens, I would be set. Alas, I am no longer in my teens.
I feel like we are pretty basic. You like anime? So do I! Let's hang out? Okay? Two weeks later, BAM. We're dating... Or that's just me..
Hey Taylor, let's hang out. :p
There is just way too many social barriers and such that basically promote the idea that nerdy girls and otaku girls are far in between. This is pretty much not helped by the idea that a good amount of gamers and otakus do there little test to see if that person is really one of them. When in reality if a girl likes anime she likes anime I dont care if it is casual or not does not mean you should throw out her interest just because she does not exactly promote the same amount of effort into it as you. Thats my little opinion I can easily see that I am a bit taking sides. However I can see the reasons behind this too afterall dating and such is just so complex if you are not natural at it.
I'm jailbait for another month, sorry bout it. People over complicate it, and over think relationships and dating. In simple terms, "just do the damn thing!" But I've always been a simple kind of person.
Haha, actually 17 isn't jailbait in my state, but I doubt we live close enough to hang out anyways. I mainly bring up the jailbait issue because I had a girl start talking to me and wanted to start something up, but I found out she was underage and headed that train off at the pass.
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