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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Which makes it harder for me to find someone :p
Lesbian and bi otaku/gamer girls are everywhere, like most of the ones I ever feel attracted to are... ;.;
The older you get...the harder there are to find...joining Maiotaku is one of my grand all attempts to find an Otaku chick in my age group...where i live its extremely...ummm..."ghetto"...so yeah, i don't stand a chance finding one where i live...im close enough to the bay area to catch an anime con...i'll try my luck there when times get better...
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I blame anime in general...it has twisted my perception of how girls should be...seriously, think about how all the kute anime girls act...real girls are don't do stuff like that...those slight tit bounces yes...but all that super kute shit...they dont do that at least to that degree...has anime psychological fucked me up? have i been looking for 'Ryoko' all this time?!?! fuck this im going to a brothel...before the damage gets any worse and im found dead in some alleyway with a tenga on my cock and oculus rift infuzed into my eyes still running some CG touhou hentai game...lmao!
Well I have this theory that all of us deep inside think that unattractive/fat people are desperate for a relationship and none of us want to be on one with desperate people. Well that's just a quick theory I have, in my opinion I would only date someone that likes me for who I am and care for me and not someone who only likes me because I am a man that actually notices her (has happened before).
No they're quite plentiful, they're just impossible to date, at least in my experience.
at my school there was a 2/3 boy-girl otaku (well more like anime fan) ratio but generally in subcultures (maybe not any...a lot lets say) males in the interest are more then woman
I've heard of people talk of weebo girls that try to emulate anime girls including the whole random fondling of friends big boobs from behind thing. But I've never met one. Like everyone says; not really that hard to find girls into anime if you are in high school but much harder to find if you are close to 30 and over.
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