Hunter X Hunter

sionxtc @sionxtc
Hunter X Hunter
sionxtc @sionxtc
I love this series and currently am watching the anime instead of reading. Here is a nice place to discuss this beautiful story! I also posted this because I'm waiting for subs to be released.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Hunter X Hunter
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Hunter x Hunter is fuckin godlike I have never seen a shounen with a story that works as perfectly as Hxh. The writer yoshihiro togashi is truly a god among writers. His art cam jump from amazing detailed panels to simple and lazy drawings but the story is a contant uphill. The chimera ant arc is long but cruel and dark to a point where I have to show my utmost respect by taking off my ridiculously huge hat and kneel down.

nekokyo119 @nekokyo119
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Hunter X Hunter
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119
HxH is the best. Like seriously. I completely caught up in a week ( would have taken a few days but had to do school too fufufufu) and am now re-watching it with my little sister because I got her hooked on it and we are already on episode 101 xD The story is just so great, Yoshihiro Togashi is seriously the best and I hope there is more to come. I seriously die (figuratively, not really haha) every week and am reborn on Tuesday when I get to watch the next episode >< The 1999 HxH was good in it's own way, I can see that as I am rewatching it as well, but I'm so happy with the 2011 version since it continued where the old one left off :D

Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
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Hunter X Hunter
Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
I read the manga first because I was a hardcore YYH fan and it was by the same manga artist, then I saw the first series and adored it, even though the beginning was slow. The characters are amazing and well done and so different. I have to say I wasnt happy when 2011 came out because the voices...and Hisoka seemed a bit different characterwise with his new voice but it's grown on me and I had a spazzfit when they hit the chimera ants arc

WolfKat @kirokun
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Hunter X Hunter
WolfKat @kirokun
I must say HunterxHunter is in my top 3 fav anime. It was amazing from beginning to end for me and was sad when it end. Then HxH2011 came out and I was like oh no O_o the voices were a bit diff but that was fine and the color was off. So it became more intense for me every episode I was crossing my fingers hoping they didn't mess it up. Then into half way through I realized they might keep it going \O/. I was on a roller coaster ride of anticipation on both original and HxH2011. ^+^

gyokuuen @gyokuuen
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Hunter X Hunter
gyokuuen @gyokuuen
You should not read the manga just stick with the anime. The author yoshihiro Togashi is very lazy. His art is sloppy and he has currently been on a 2 year Hiatus, meaning no chapters. The anime does the manga so much justice its 10x better.

Planetonepiece @tlawlag19
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Hunter X Hunter
Planetonepiece @tlawlag19
is amazing!

ILiveforanime @okwow
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Hunter X Hunter
ILiveforanime @okwow
If you enjoy watching Bleach,One Piece,Naruto,or Fairy Tail then please watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) it truly is the definition of underrated and it does everything just right you are missing out!!

controlstylez @controlstylez
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Hunter X Hunter
controlstylez @controlstylez
Kurapkia FTW

Ryvius @ryvius
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Hunter X Hunter
Ryvius @ryvius
*thumbs up*
Kurapika is my favorite, I like the York Shin arc the most. The 2011 remake has been top notch, it did Greed Island justice.
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