Moving to Japan before going there?

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Moving to Japan before going there?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
:-) curious I never belong any where for some one to say they know they will belong some where is bold and premature. People in Japan are proud and foreigners are likely not welcome to stay. Maybe visit. Although many move any way. Although I would think with their higher education standards it would be difficult to compete for any jobs worth while. Not say you might be able to get low wage jobs which would probably make it not so great of a stay. I agree that the American continent is not so great. With closed borders we can't travel between countries like Europeans. We have so much space that we don't get to experience that close town environment like in school animes. Our traditions lack so much fun stuff they do because they spend most of their childhood in school. Is tough because animes show the cool things only but not so much the hard reality . I would rather start our own anime culture here. After all we have so much space. We just need to make the distances so much close than they are. We need to start to gather. At least that's my opinion.

pinkmage234 @pinkmage234
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Moving to Japan before going there?
pinkmage234 @pinkmage234
I want to go and living thare sounds fun so i'd like to try

huogir @huogir
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Moving to Japan before going there?
huogir @huogir
I'd love to be an english teacher for a year via the Jet program. I'd like to see if that is the place I belong. Too find that place we call home as humans is another great longing for us. I'd love to be a place full of history that has lasted centuries. I'd love to see a Kabuki play and enjoy seeing cherry blossums fly across the winds. Too be in a place where everyone is the same ethnicity would be amazing to see and by that I mean of a large scale. Too be that close among people would be an amazing experience as well.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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Moving to Japan before going there?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
I'm half Japanese myself and personally I wouldn't mind going to Japan for vacation but living there is a whole another story.
First off Konad is kinda right with the racist part, good amount of Japanese people there do not like outsiders especially Americans.
Course Japan is also kinda expensive to live in too especially in Major cities as well. I remember my father telling me it cost him $8 US to buy some soup and a drink.
They also gotta know some culture and ways there too because they might inadvertently piss them off. Anime shows only show pieces of it here and there but yeh.
I am kinda annoyed how people want to move there because its Japan or say they are really Japanese but they do not have any bloodline.

kittie_saya @kittie_saya
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Moving to Japan before going there?
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
Well I see what your saying and most people that want to go there is because of anime and such. But there are people like myself who are majoring in Japanese and after I get my degree I plan on moving there to teach English. The reason I want to go there is because for one I love learning about other cultures, and two this is something I feel.comfortable with as a career choice because for some reason Japanese seems to click for me and I've tried other majors and nothing made me happier than learning Japanese. I want to help educate Japanese students in English.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Moving to Japan before going there?
Kyetge! @kyetge
Yeah... I wouldn't want to live in Japan.
It would be difficult finding out how to be a productive member of Japanese society before I even start applying for colleges here in the States.
I just don't think I'd do that well without my mom's food. >.<

geekygremlindeletehowwork @geekygremlin
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Moving to Japan before going there?
geekygremlindeletehowwork @geekygremlin
I think that way but I just got back from there so I can't count.
But in middle school I thought that way because I figured my love for anime would be more acceptable there and there'd be less bullies.
Now I want to go back there because I felt a lot safer there. Wide open spaces make me nervous. I'm the opposite of claustrophobic, apparently XD Plus, everyday things like reading feel more accomplishing because everything's in a different language ; w ; though that would probably wear off after a while. I actually have a long list of reasons for wanting to go back, but who wants a wall of text written by someone with jet lag? ha...

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Moving to Japan before going there?
Kyetge! @kyetge
The opposite of claustrophobia is agoraphobia, and I think I exhibit both phobias in extreme circumstances. :P
Plus all the J-horror my parents used to watch with me as a little kid really traumatized me. I wouldn't like to stick around lonely places.
And it's awesome that you just went there, I guess. :P

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
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Moving to Japan before going there?
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
I think it would be great to take a month vacation in Japan, but I would have to spend time there before I considered living there. They have a high suicide rate (ninth highest in the world in 2006, and the leading cause of death for men 20-44 and women 15-34), and I'm sure there's a reason for it. If things are that bad for its own citizens, I'm going to need to think hard about moving there.
Anime and manga are great, but they are pretty available outside of Japan as well. Sure, there might be more in Japan, but you'd have to be a NEET to read and watch everything that was released outside of Japan as it was released (honestly doesn't sound that bad if you have millions of dollars saved up). As such, there will always be more than enough available even without living in Japan.
I'm not that attached to living in America, but the suicide rate, cost of living, and racism make me wary of moving there despite loving 99% of the things they make.
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