favorite gundam series

AKM @akm
favorite gundam series
AKM @akm
Take your pick. And What is your favorite gundam? Favorite character?
It's a toss up for gundam wing and gundam OO
Favorite gundam is wing zero
Favorite character setsuna or athran zala

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
favorite gundam series
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
It has too be gundam seed destiny for the win
Favorite gundam The Destiny
Favorite pilot shinn auska and heero

Animekid @animekid
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favorite gundam series
Animekid @animekid
Somebody has to say G Gundam

Karasu @kain_karasu
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favorite gundam series
Karasu @kain_karasu
I liked the SEED series but SEED Destiny has wayyyy too many flashbacks which kind of ruins it for me, so I'll probably go with the 00 series as my favorite. I can't really say I have a favorite gundam...they're all pretty awesome in their own ways, though my favorite character is probably Andrew Waltfeld even though he doesn't have a major role, he's still pretty awesome...plus he's not a whiny little kid like most of the gundam series protagonists, he does what needs to be done.

AKM @akm
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favorite gundam series
AKM @akm
Waltfeld is pretty cool for a bad guy who changes sides and comes back from the dead.

Karasu @kain_karasu
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favorite gundam series
Karasu @kain_karasu
Well in my eyes he wasn't ever really a 'bad guy' just a descent man fighting on the wrong side...it's too bad his waifu didn't survive though...

AKM @akm
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favorite gundam series
AKM @akm
Yeah he was more like a Good guy just fighting on the wrong side

dragonrage @dragonrage
commented on
favorite gundam series
dragonrage @dragonrage
08th MS team! rip your arm off and beat someone with it!

AKM @akm
commented on
favorite gundam series
AKM @akm
8Th ms team was pretty Good I didnt expect to anyone to day any of the true classics: )

gundamzero @gundamzero
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favorite gundam series
gundamzero @gundamzero
I would have to go with gundam seed gundam 00 gundam unicorn and yes I would put up the old classic like g gundam gundam 8th ms team gundam wing witch I also own on dvd but the new one are very good
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