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Perverted girls

I had no idea. It kept cutting in and out for me. Guess cause I'm on a phone and not a compy. :(
@Haruu I thought you were just making an awesome fashion statement with those headphones, it's all good. Fashion statement made (now everyone is going to do it)
Mar 04, 14 at 12:09pm
@Jiko-kun: Yeah.. Usually when you use the app you experience a ton of problems. If there's people on cam, like, more than three, you're more likely to have more problems too. D: Hopefully we'll see you around. c: @Shadow:.... Oh I wish I was and not just being lazy.. TwT;; Thank you though. XD
@Haruu, are we talking about tiny chat right now?
Mar 04, 14 at 7:59pm
@Alexis: Yes. C:
Oh. Tiny chat? Hmm.. Ask u seen from there is perverted stuff. I'm in.
Mar 07, 14 at 12:15am
@Jiko-kun: Lololol, nahh, it's just sometimes we start talking about stuff lolol~ It's probably not what you're picturing. -w-;;
I know. I've been in it, I just realized it's the same chat as on Skype. I'm on my phone, So no tiny chat for me. Lulz. Where has shin and his kit Kat bar been?
I like perverted girls but if I ever get into a relationship with one, at some point I would ask her "our relationship is not based on sex.... right?" I'm just an infinite source of libido and I don't like it :C
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