Perverted girls

trapkitteh @trapkitteh
Perverted girls
trapkitteh @trapkitteh
Am I the only one who really like perverted girls?

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Perverted girls
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
You like Kawaii desu Ero Girls, huh ? them Ero girls huh, huh ? ehhhhhhhh ? Naniiii ?

trapkitteh @trapkitteh
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Perverted girls
trapkitteh @trapkitteh
hehehe yea

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
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Perverted girls
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
lol I have a very perverted mindset... some guys find it entertaining and others find it disconcerting :P Thankfully my boyfriend is fine with it XD

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Perverted girls
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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X-Cution @xcution
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Perverted girls
X-Cution @xcution
Can you get through life without being at least a little perverted? I kinda doubt it. But hey, whatever floats your boat. If a girl's got perverted tendencies, it's all cool with me as long as it doesn't become a defining factor.

adam4472 @adam4472
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Perverted girls
adam4472 @adam4472
I can honestly say i have never met any girl with perverted tendencies (that i know of).

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Perverted girls
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
I have met a perverted horse once. It was always blowing out of its nose to make the skirts of schoolgirls passing by go up, then he would look at their panties and say '' Nyeeeeghhh kawaiiii *nose bleeds* '' But girls with perverted minds ? Only in anime. only in anime.

chibibree197 @chibibree197
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Perverted girls
chibibree197 @chibibree197
I bet you all the clothes on your body that there are girls with perverted minds ;3

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Perverted girls
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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