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:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?

Clubs are good places to try. Especially if the club fits with what you enjoy. Anime flub...music club etc. Anything that is a place for social gathering is good and gives you a reason to expose yourself and talk to others... And subject matter to converse about. As for the cooking cleaning and what not. I'm a guy that can cook...I CAN clean but I'm lazy...I do listen...and I was told I give good massages....if that's all that was needed to find a gf even if they would just use you for what you can do for them...I wouldn't be perpetually single XD just sayin
@yaasshat, yes that is correct. obviously they'd be at home almost all day everyday but the internet is still there and is something most of them will lurk endlessly too, and yes I know forums are the last place to look for em, these places are cancer to us but the internet is a big place afterall. The comparison to alcoholics seems fair I suppose, so as such I guess the question then becomes what are some good bars for heavy drinkers? @Ginseng, While I appreciate the sentiment as yaasshat pointed out I don't think most of the truly obsessive antisocial types will hang out in offline places much. I mean by the very definition a hikamori will never be found at a club. Just to be clear, I meat sites as in websites not offline locations.
Neet, any book store or anime convention. They do have to get thier swag if they can't wait on Internet orders. Other than that, try starting a small, local club if there isn't one already. You're looking for a very niche group.
@Gamer - I have been there man, it's a shitty feeling bro hang in there. If you are not associating anymore do not leave a present on her door it is inappropriate. It is likely why she fell out of love with you and it can happen in the blink of an eye as it can appear just as fast too. It happens but there is a way to make it more predictable but it will require some bitter pills and introspection. It is good to do things for others when nothing in return is expected from a place of kindness. It is a good virtue to hold onto but must be measured out appropriately. It's scientifically proven when we do good things for others it makes us feel good about ourselves and promotes health mentally and physically. It can go too far sometimes and we can become dependent on that feeling and then gifts/charity do not come from a place of kindness instead subconscious expectations for a return on investment. That feeling is from a hormonal release that alters the brain and some can become addicted to it like drugs or conditioned to need it to function in life. There is a similar biological function that happens when you are attracted to someone and bond (aka fall in love) which includes the same hazards of dependency if care is not taken. When you don't get the fix you feel like shit in withdrawal. If you want to know specifically what went wrong only you can answer that since you did not let her tell you. Think back to how you met and fell in love the first time. Who were you as a person? What were you doing in your life? What were you passionate about? What did she indicate that made her attracted to you? Then re-ask those question and be brutally honest with yourself at the point in time you broke up. Something important changed for the negative or something did not come to be that she was expecting. Was there a common theme when there was negative tension in the relationship? Was there one when things were good too? Self-examining these tings from a 3rd party prospective will help reveal understanding and insights. I'm gonna take a shot in the dark as to what it might be which is why I say do not leave a gift. I am basing it on when you said this: "To be honest I lost all of my friend since I wasn't focus on them, putting my first ex the center but I never knew I would hit rock bottom." I am curious if she ever said she felt smothered/drowning or accused you of being emotionally unavailable. You may have been trying too hard to please her over taking care of your own needs which takes it's toll on your well being negatively affecting the relationship. A case of 'not the person I fell in love with anymore' syndrome perhaps. It sounds like you changed to put her on a pedestal in the center of your life(never a good idea) and you cut something out to make room; your friends. Doing this seems like a good idea to some or happens on accident. Friends and family provide a very crucial avenue of support you can not burden your partner with as the replacement in it's entirety or it will drive them away. It likely came from a very good intention but you inadvertently changed who you were in the process and may have lost a quality she cherished. You feel bad because she mattered to you and that is natural which is why they say love hurts and sucks but yet we pursue it still. Cheer up man there are 3billion+ women on this planet and you can fall in love with more than one of them. Good Luck man.
yaasshat, book stores only have 'swag' from old mainstream anime. No real otaku would shop there. As for cons, they're sometimes good for harder to find older items but usually at very high markups and and can usually find just about anything somewhere online anyways.
Not really me, but my friend was with this girl for couple of years. No sex, just a clean relationship. Just recently he figured out she had a 3rd leg. What should my poor friend do in a situation like this.
@Gamer, People are assholes. Its just a fact, but people are also amazingly kind, generous, and loving. Don't let a few bad apples spoil it for you. @Elric, Honestly they should talk about it. He should express his feelings towards this new knowledge and figure out for himself if he still likes this person for who they are or what they do/don't have in their pants.
@Darkschneider, thanks for the long explanation but I don't deserve to be love in the first place since I never did any confession to any girls that I dated before. I know her a long time since kindergarten and I meet her back in high school. I myself don't know either since love is like a poison to me. Also to be clear about it, I wasn't the one who disconnect with my friend. My ex get jealous so easy and when I did talk to someone around my age, she did not call me until I apologize. I guess I'm just her old toys ready to get dispose. After I got dumped by her, I feel scare when looking at girls face to face. I only putting on facade trying to be strong but inside I'm weak like a bug. I doubt I can get love again or find someone to date with. I'm just a pathetic guy trying desperate to escape reality and putting myself online. @aero, thanks I'm used to people talk bad about me and even my dad talk trash about me. I know many people make fun of me but I usually let it slide since I dislike creating drama.
LordElricSama, I'd be furious if I was him. I don't know if your friend is into that sort of thing but if not that's a horrible thing to keep from a person and is just a disgusting trick to play on anyone. Those are years and who knows what else wasted on what's essentially a scam artist.
@Gamer, I know the feeling. I never really had any friends growing up and I was a total outcast, but to be quite honest, fuck those people. I have better things to waste my time on then their petty insults and attempts to bring me down.
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