:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?

Andii Candii @gimpaa
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
Andii Candii @gimpaa
Usually people come to me for relationship help. Not cause i've been around the block but because i've actually taken the time to sit down and watch relationships form, break, grow stronger, or fall out of love.
Sure i've had my share of one night stands and all and my failed relationships but those failed relationships were me getting bored with the person @.@ and thats cause the man and i never quite understood each other.
If you post your question maybe i can be of assistance :3 I love to help people.

Izumi25X @izumi25x
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Not to sound braggy or anything, but I am confident in my persona. Not being a narcissist, I am leaning on the opinion of others who say I would make a great husband for "some lucky" girl. Because I can cook, clean, do laundry, massage, am a good listener, etc.
That being said, every girl I talk to is already in a relationship. Or not interested in dating (had bad breakup, asexual, wanna focus on other things) or not my type (shallow ones who want only a six pack giant biceps dude)
I think my affliction is bad luck. If you can cast a spell on me or disable the hex that prevents me from meeting girls who are single, looking, and have some common ground with me... THAT is what I need, please.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
What I need is a gf no one night stand or something. I want a cute and good personality gf. I'm like @izumi except for the cooking part. Most girls I talk to usually not into relationship. Either I'm not their cup of tea and prevent me from dating one. I need one badly to forget my past ex and I like personal space but hate being alone.

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
You come to the right place. Gamer dude. You know, its like a rare boss spawn to find a kawaii, personality type in this realm. Don't worry we all in the same boat.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
@lordric, I prefer close distance that way I can see them each day. I like talking I wish I can show them my gamer ability xD. So far I found none even in this site or others apps.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
neeto @neet_one
Sure I could use some help. How do I enter the 2D world to be with my waifu?

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
My personal advice to everyone is to go back in time five years ago when the topic was started and raise your questions then.

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
Relationship instructions unclear, slammed dick in door.

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
LMAO This topic was Necro'd so hard lmao

neeto @neet_one
commented on
:3 Maybe i can help you with your relationship probs?
neeto @neet_one
You know, there's still always helping eachother out. Just sayin.
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