kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Like what kind of trouble are you guys refering to,it not like japan is communist china, or North Korea did the tourist thing there for three weeks last summer nice relaxed political and socail climate, So whats the issue with trouble, you think It would be commom sense, if its illegal in the u.s. its the same there, so drugs theft, vandelization, murder, and rape are obivous no,no's, but then again common sense isnt common

anarqe @anarqe
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anarqe @anarqe

ikkoku @ikkoku
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ikkoku @ikkoku
Do you mean that inform of a question <b>"anarge"</b>? Go here: <link></link>

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
ikkoku @ikkoku
Damn code... anyone has a legend of available code we can use for this site?

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Jet ,The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, now in its 24th year, is aimed at promoting grass-roots international exchange between Japan and other nations. The number of countries sending participants has risen over the years, as has the number of participants. In 2010, the Programme has welcomed 4,334 participants from 36 countries.
No matter where you go in Japan today, you will find JET participants developing strong relationships with their local communities through foreign language education and international exchange activities. After completing their time on the Programme, many former JET participants use their experiences in Japan to continue enhancing relations between Japan and their home countries.
The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) administers the JET Programme in cooperation with local government organisations; the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC); the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA); and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). CLAIR provides support for both JET Programme participants and their Contracting Organisations by arranging each JET participant's arrival, holding orientation seminars, as well as providing counselling and distributing a wide variety of essential resource materials and information.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Jet ,The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, now in its 24th year, is aimed at promoting grass-roots international exchange between Japan and other nations. The number of countries sending participants has risen over the years, as has the number of participants. In 2010, the Programme has welcomed 4,334 participants from 36 countries.
No matter where you go in Japan today, you will find JET participants developing strong relationships with their local communities through foreign language education and international exchange activities. After completing their time on the Programme, many former JET participants use their experiences in Japan to continue enhancing relations between Japan and their home countries.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Jet ,The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, now in its 24th year, is aimed at promoting grass-roots international exchange between Japan and other nations. The number of countries sending participants has risen over the years, as has the number of participants. In 2010, the Programme has welcomed 4,334 participants from 36 countries.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Sorry for the triple post kapt geting an error message
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