XXRageX1 @xxragex1
XXRageX1 @xxragex1
I'm thinking about applying for JET. I did after college but never got in, thinking it was because I was married. I'm now separated/divorced and going to try again.
Does anyone know what kinda of candidates to usually look for as far as degree or age range? I hope I can get in cause I'd love to live over there.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
wow rage-san never herd of it until now looks interesting, hopefully some that frequents this site could shed a little light on it. can tell you about this they did say 40 and under on the offical site.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
so if your actual 26 your more than good.

kurokame @kurokame
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kurokame @kurokame
also you must Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or obtain one by the departure date of Group A participants, or hold a qualification of three years of more in a training course in teaching at elementary or secondary schools or be able to obtain such qualifications by the departure date of Group A participants.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
they also say it a one year minimal comitment.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
they also say its a one year minimal commitment. sorry forgot spell check.

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
ikkoku @ikkoku
I've myself been planning on doing the JET program ever since I graduated high school. I'm about to get my BA this year and will apply next year when applications are accepted. I also want to study up on my Japanese to better myself over there. It also helps that my ex-Japanese teacher has a chair in the interviews for JET and she'll also give me a powerful letter of recommendation. I've heard nothing but great stories from those who have participated in the JET program and I think it's an experience worth doing. So <b>xxRagex1</b> if you have the credentials for applying I say "go for it!" Just make sure you <b>DON'T</b> break any rules of the contract for JET! If you do you will pay <blink><b>SEVERELY!</b></blink> JET doesn't want people getting themselves into trouble with <I>drugs</I>, <i>alcohol</I> or <i>inappropriate relationships</I>. Keep that in mind. If you check out the JET program's website, they have a handout guide about ALL rules and regulations for applying for JET and how to basically not get into trouble in Japan. They even have real life horrible stories of those who broke the rules. Quite the little read I may say.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
kurokame @kurokame
Wow you to ikkoku-san never even herd of jet til yesterday. now I have something to aim for after the JLPT in december. I wonder does it matter that my major isnt educationally motivated.

XXRageX1 @xxragex1
commented on
XXRageX1 @xxragex1
@Kurokame, I hope they don't need specifically an educational background, if so I maybe in trouble. I'm a business major specialized in Int'l Mngt.
@Ikkoku: I've heard about the trouble you can get into. I did a 2 week exchange program in the Boy Scouts and someone got in trouble and it was hell to get them back into the states. The adults were not happy.
I see JET as an awesome learning experience and away to get my foot in the door to find a job over there.

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
ikkoku @ikkoku
It shouldn't matter what you got your degree in, they just wanted educated people to do the job. They don't want people who only got up to high school and workin' at Wal-mart for this kind of job. This is a Japanese government sponsored program and they need it to look good. You know how high standards Japan has with education. I believe their level of high school education there is equivalent to an associate's degree here if I'm not mistaken. How sad is that?! I wished I went to school in Japan. Geeks rule this world ya know!
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