Naka-Kon 2011

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Naka-Kon 2011
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Since the dates have been announced I figured I may as well start up the thread. I think everybody from the site who's going should get together for some speed dating!

anarqe @anarqe
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Naka-Kon 2011
anarqe @anarqe
I'm going as GHOST! from Modern Warfare I have my mask Vest and mollies ready for some tactical awesomness!... yeah NAKA

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Naka-Kon 2011
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
I'm thinking about cosplaying Roronoa Zoro but I'm still kind of iffy about it.

Karimoon @karimoon
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Naka-Kon 2011
Karimoon @karimoon
I'll think about coming the hotel rooms are crazy.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
commented on
Naka-Kon 2011
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
You should totally come, I'll even buy you lunch or something. And I don't mean something gross like McDonalds.

anarqe @anarqe
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Naka-Kon 2011
anarqe @anarqe
I wants to go to! I mean to lunch.... Nah its cool. We should all meet up though it would be cool. Also Been I wanna play you in some Cod! My friend told me to change my costume so now I'm still ghost from MW2 though I'm under a blancket so I take it of and i'm ghost ghost. AWESOME

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Naka-Kon 2011
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Maybe I should go as a cardboard box. Loves me some MGS.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Naka-Kon 2011
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Pre-registration weekend pass price is $35.00 until October 31. You can go to the site for more info.

konad13 @konad13
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Naka-Kon 2011
konad13 @konad13
I might go, but it depends on whether or not I think my costume will hide me from my ex well enough

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
Naka-Kon 2011
anarqe @anarqe
Don't let her ruin your fun, I'm going for sure. I just wish I had more money or things were cheaper XD, at mickies all swords are $6-10, at Naka there all $15-20 Bsssshhh 0.o.
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