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Sex while dating?

Aug 29, 10 at 11:36pm
Its only emotional if you put emotional significance to it, both love and the emotional significance the are associated with are just nature's assurances that we are fruitful and multiply. Even the positives, like it simply feeling good. Think about it this way Sex is the most important thing to people, and on a soul level the one driving instinct of the human animal, all our advances since man was put or envolved on this planet has been at its root to ensure our continued survival. Society,War, Invention and religion,are all the simply results of the human sex drive. It clinche I know but sex makes the world go round. Why do you think we fixate on appearance, success, and on acceptable societal behavior. So the importance of sex is with out question, why do you think people stress about it. An get bent out of shape about it. Im the same way,
Aug 29, 10 at 11:44pm
Dam still to accademic and robotic alright, simply sex is extremely important, but not worth losing sleepover. Decide on a course of action or policy concerning it try it out, and revise said policy as necessary. plain and simple
Aug 30, 10 at 12:20am
As <B>kurokame</b> stated: <i>"Why do you think we fixate on appearance, success, and on acceptable societal behavior."</i> This reflects basic <I><b>"primal needs"</b></I> that I've mention eariler in this discussion. <b>"appearance"</b> - <i><b>"procreate"</b></i>, <b>"success"</b> - <i><b>"security/stability"</b></i>, and <B>"acceptable societal behavior"</b> - <i><b>"recognition"</b></i>, In a logical perspective, sex is a <b>"means to an end"</b>... whatever that may be: love, pleasure, power, and so on. There isn't a right or wrong answer. All I can say is, and I've said it before, don't have <b>"dumb-sex"</b> and enjoy it whenever it happens.
Aug 30, 10 at 10:00am
It's so weird hearing the majority view of sex has no principals......do these people have no self respect or something!? I'm sorry, you guys. It's really sad to hear that.
Aug 30, 10 at 4:00pm
Didn't I just say don't label me(or others i'm not standing up for at the moment) as someone who has no self-respect etc? While I don't share their mostly 'mechanical' view despite it being on the side of truth, I will not stand by & watch this happen. You can't account the what, 2 billion people in the world, as the majority for what a dozen have said. There are more people in say India who share your view & if you want to be surrounded by them go there. America is not the best place for moral fiberish talk. Not to say there aren't people here there's just fewer than years ago. If i'm so sad for sex without a ring then why am I so happy? Each day is wonderful for me & nothing extremely sad is happening. I have no real reason to be depressed.
Aug 30, 10 at 4:19pm
Also I have severe issues with people who say this & don't address the fact there are people using marriage as an excuse to rape underage girls. Just because they are going through the motions of the ceremony & vows doesn't make their actions holy/moral/respectful or right despite the act happening within a 'marriage'. This seems to have become 'acceptable societal behavior' as no one seems to want to step in to stop their crap. While i'm on the subject...infact marriage itself never really meant crap except that the families were convienently getting cattle, money, land & hopefully some strong male heirs etc. for their 'useless' daughters! You think Joseph married Marry because he loved her & vice versa?! LOLZzz Uhh no his family was doing a buisness deal with Holy mommies family nothing more. Is this view of sex in marriage okay just because they go through the motions? Jesus didn't seem to tell people "hey don't sell off your daughters for sheep" If there's no true love what's the point married or not? As they said while there's no right or wrong answer it's certainly not okay to go around just judging others without looking at all possible aspects of the topic at hand.
Aug 30, 10 at 4:48pm
Number 1: when did I EVER pass judgement? If you feel I did, I'm sorry. And number 2: Even if I DID pass judgement, what's wrong with holding a person accountable for their actions, anyway? I'm not saying I'm better or worse than anyone, so I'm obviously not judging....Don't accuse me of things I'm not doing, please.
No principles? So what, I don't get my moral basis from some book. That doesn't mean I don't have principles. And just because I think sex isn't really that big of a deal doesn't mean I try to hump everything that moves. Maybe instead of having assumptions about sex that society implanted in your head, you should go get some life experience and get to know people. Quit having such a close minded view on life and actually live for once.
Ok lets count some of the times you've made a judgemental statement or attacked someone's point of view after they made a post Phanari. Hell I will just copy/paste without any altering any of your typed sentences. "So rather than going at it like rabbits, why don't the couples take the time to get to know one another so that they don't become one of those people who gets a divorce 20 minutes after their marriage." [Having pre-marital sex leads to early divorce?] "if you really love a person, and would consider having sex with them, why not just make it official and get married? Wouldn't that give your actions more ethicality?" [So my actions of pre-marital are unethical? Thanks for that judgement.] "Secular society seems to always over throw principals and convictions....::sigh:: not to mention values and self-respect." [Since I choose to have pre-marital sex I've thrown out principles and convictions, or just YOUR principles and convictions. Oh and btw since I have sex apparently I don't have self respect.]
"It's so weird hearing the majority view of sex has no principals......do these people have no self respect or something!? I'm sorry, you guys. It's really sad to hear that." [See above comment.] END OF COPY/PASTE with cliff notes It's a common tactic of a poor arguement to "poison the well" or attack the other persons morals or credentials and then immediately cry wolf and call yourself the victim when they rebute and stand up for themselves. A small piece of advice: If you deny you are judging people and then immediately say "even if I was judging people," thats a clear indicator you were to begin with. That and judging goes beyond just saying your better or worse than someone.
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