How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?

mrtv @mrtv
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
mrtv @mrtv

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
mobored101 @mobored101
i feel sad for the same reason

WinryRinElric @ezrarinelric
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
WinryRinElric @ezrarinelric
I feel like an empty feeling, like a nostalgic sadness.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
anything of <13 episodes; leaves me wanting more, every time.
13-26 episodes; typical sends me searching for something similar, usually it falls short and I end up dissapointed, or begging the intarweb gods for a sequel.
Regarding the eternally running series, only one piece still have me glued to the screen every sunday morning, usually the long running shows outstay their welcome with me due to fillers, nonsense and franchise milking.

Trash Ramen @exherokid
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
Trash Ramen @exherokid
If its an action/fantasy-esque anime, I'm completely hyped for the next month off it but wanting more and more so I go read fanfics and download a lot of its pictures and such (like SAO ep 1-15 onry, I downloaded mods for Dragon Nest so it's BGM is all SAO and my character looks like Kirito... LOL xD)
If its a Dramadie/Slice of Life, like Rin Rin says; nostalgic sadness =( and wanting moar!! (WataMote)
Or in the case of Clannad/5 Cm/s etc. I'm always just like wtf.... T.T';;;;;;;; everytime I think of it.

mrtv @mrtv
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
mrtv @mrtv

Trash Ramen @exherokid
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
Trash Ramen @exherokid
OMG Durarara!! was amazing. Up until the end. Honestly it disapointed me on so many levels... ORZ

Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
I always feel sad and empty, but then embrace it when it has a good ending. ;w; It inspires me to watch another anime.

bloodynine @bloodynine
commented on
How do you feel after you completely finished an anime?
bloodynine @bloodynine
Most of the time I feel a sadness especailly when the story or characters are well devolped. It sometimes feels like I have lost important.
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