Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences

Draculrider @kiba1303
Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
Draculrider @kiba1303
I have a question and it's personal. I wanna know if anyone here on this site would date someone who is transgender? If you don't know what transgender is, it's when someone who identifies as a guy but was born as a biological girl and vise versa. So would you?
And please, no hateful or negative comments. I just wanna know.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I would, no ones knows what under the clothes.... But great job.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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misskittehcat @misskittehcat
There are plenty of people open to it, especially in the anime community :) it's not so much taboo anymore, especially in places like new england where im from

rogue420 @rogue420
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Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
rogue420 @rogue420
If it feels wrong, then you have your answer. The fact you even posted it, should tell you something. Do what you want to do regardless of what anyone else thinks. I met a girl who was trying to be a guy, was even going to have surgery, her name was Tye, and she was a really cool person. I did not see why she felt she needed to look like a guy but to each their own. Whether you prefer men or women, disfiguring your body never will be the same as loving who you are, inside and out.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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bookwatcher @bookwatcher
I don't mind transgenders because to each his own pleasures. I'm interested in the male anatomy so I wouldn't date one but I don't mind friending one.

Draculrider @kiba1303
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Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
Draculrider @kiba1303
Rogue, I am transgender. And I said I was kinda afraid is because of a really bad relationship I had a few years ago with a girl.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Curious, are you referring to sex changes? Or someone that was born neither. I believe if it was a birth defect that the person had to chose a gender it would be received better. But someone who was born one thing and abuse their body to the point of changing their sex organs. I believe it may not be so well received. However, some people are more open minded than most. Whether or not you could handle someone like that is another story.

Draculrider @kiba1303
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Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
Draculrider @kiba1303
Sort of referring to sex changes, yes. I know some support it and some don't. Which is why I asked if anyone on here would date a guy like me despite being female to male transman.

That Uke @thatuke
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That Uke @thatuke
I would. People are people. If I like someone's personality enough I really could care less what they have under their clothes.

Lil Wolfie @lilwolf
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Lil Wolfie @lilwolf
I would, I don't really care about looks. If I like the person personality then I'll date em
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