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Daechir @morgulchon
Daechir @morgulchon
Feel sad just broke up with boyfriend

sidf @sidf
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sidf @sidf
Anon here. Can't log into my account on this phone. Had to make new account for now

Daechir @morgulchon
Daechir @morgulchon
Cant believe in 20 today
Dating with DPD

Daechir @morgulchon
commented on
Dating with DPD
Daechir @morgulchon
No I'm just scared as my ex's broke up with me for that reason so it's making scared as I really like him
Dating with DPD

Daechir @morgulchon
Dating with DPD
Daechir @morgulchon
I'm scared of my boyfriend breaking up with me because of my dpd (dependent personality disorder) what shall I do