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serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
are you going to the one at OLLU? (our lady of the lake university)

e1622puppy @e1622puppy
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e1622puppy @e1622puppy
YAY more Anime friends lol...... Nice Kuroko no Basuke cosplay!!! Just got back from Anime matsuri! It was really great.

serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
We outta hang out sometime and watch anime or talk about cosplays
Gamertags!! POST EM!!!

alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
PSN Alexial_Leonhart

alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
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alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
I'm just getting back into playing and I could use some friends if anybody is on the PS4 add me! PSN = Alexial_Leonhart