Gamertags!! POST EM!!!

Krave @krave
Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
Krave @krave
This account has been suspended.

Krave @krave
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
Krave @krave
This account has been suspended.

Zackattack @zackattack
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
Zackattack @zackattack
Mine is ZACK ATTACK 279 and I play plenty, been really into Blacklist as of late

aiisholuv @aiisholuv
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aiisholuv @aiisholuv
Mine is Yaoiluver22 i play Borderlands, Halo 4, minecraft and more feel free to ADD ME

. @saita
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
. @saita
I'm not posting mine yet, seeing as how i'm still inactive for the meantime.
But when I return to Xbox Live, like next month, i'll be online daily.
I'll be looking for GTA V and Battlefield 4 players.
But i'll be more than happy to add anyone.
I'm a very laid back casual person,
but i'm damn good at what I do, a great ally on either game. :3
I'll be watching the thread, hoping to see others who have both specific games.
I'll post my Gamertag here in like a month or less Lol.

Namani @namaniiamani
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
Namani @namaniiamani
I'm with Krave on this thread because i know him on xbox. Like he said post em, Mines MR ULTIMA84

Krave @krave
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
Krave @krave
This account has been suspended.

Ryan @ryanshigure
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Ryan @ryanshigure
Mine is XDemonkngZeroX on xbox NobelTuna on ps4 and demonkingzero on steam

FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
im FireStartrCanti on XBOX LIVE but you'll hav better luck finding me on Steam as FreStarterCanti (didnt see that coming didya).... i hav a xbox one so i play titanfall and Forza5..... on steam its mostly DayZ Standalone and Space Engineers but i have some others like Team fortress 2 as well..... im going to be on steam tonight if anyone wants to hit me up

naugs360 @naugs360
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Gamertags!! POST EM!!!
naugs360 @naugs360
Naugs360 on Live. Mostly GTA V nowadays but I have a decent amount of games.
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