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Eli_24 @eli_24
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Eli_24 @eli_24
thank you very much for accepting lol

Pika (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ @pikapika
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Pika (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ @pikapika
Thanks for the compliment on my photo, but i guess i logged on to late i might go offline again. :/ nice to meet you and thanks for the add o3o

lain_^p @arukawi_nial
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lain_^p @arukawi_nial
not at all! XD you should probably be watching Usagi Drop for a completely innocent anime :p
24 or older? Get your ass in here!

Kaorin_Kanoe @kaorin_kanoe
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24 or older? Get your ass in here!
Kaorin_Kanoe @kaorin_kanoe
I'll be 24 in like 2 weeks, but I think I'll sit this one out, lol. I'm reading about people paying taxes and whatnot, ahahaha! I'll go back to the kiddy pool with our popcicles and sippy cups, lol.
Last one to post here wins

Kaorin_Kanoe @kaorin_kanoe
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Kaorin_Kanoe @kaorin_kanoe
You have all lost the game. But in all seriousness I get what people are saying. I mean, yes the site isn't the most attractive of websites but for the most part it runs quite nicely. I just checked out and the reason why I wouldn't want to join a website like that is because it's for ALL things geeky. Do you guys know how EXPANSIVE geekdom is! From artists to anime fanatics, cosplayers, larpers, superhero fanatics, sci fi, btonies! ....The Furries.... So even though I['m fairly new I like it right here on MaiOtaku. Where I know the mass majority of you guys are just Otaku. We just need hella more people on here! You keep seeing the same people on here you might think that MaiOtaku is the size of a small high school!