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nodachi2001 @nodachi2001
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nodachi2001 @nodachi2001
Welcome to MaiOtaku!
I love your "New Wig!!!" Pic, so cute!
Is that wig going to be for a cosplay? And if so, what are you planning on cosplaying as?

Thomas. @kirito_kunn
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Thomas. @kirito_kunn
Heya! I read your info-tab. Interesting I must say. The thing about Red lobster in my case it would be because I'm not a fan of seafood.
I love Ronnie Radke I therefore think that it's awesome that you had the opportunity to go a Falling in Reverse concert. It's not really possible in Denmark.
Believe it or not I love Sims and I started playing it from an early age.(my sister made me play it I didn't have a choice) I can't really play it right now because I'm on a vacation in lots of countries in Europe, currently Croatia.
Soooooo.. Please tell me more about yourself!

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
hello and welcome to the site
Jul 5-7
May 16-18
Jul 4-6
Jul 8-10