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rikki0489 @rikki0489
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rikki0489 @rikki0489
it really does! I watched episode 1 of Seed before work and i got a little confused but now I'm good

rikki0489 @rikki0489
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rikki0489 @rikki0489
I noticed that you like the Gundam series. I've only finished Gundam Wing myself. Any suggestions on which one to start next?
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys

Akitou @akitou
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pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
Akitou @akitou
I would give up my mustache to get my hands on a shiny Greninja.
What is your opinion of single parents?

Akitou @akitou
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What is your opinion of single parents?
Akitou @akitou
Don't you hate it when you type of a thoughtful response that took you a significant amount of time to review and edit but when you click "Post" the forum is like, "Nah, man. You didn't really want to post that." Now that I have forgotten the exact wording I used, let me attempt to rewrite it all...
I appreciate all the honest responses you guys have given. It seems as though many agree though many agree that single parents just aren't their ideal partner (I've asked this question on many other sites as well, because science) for several valid reasons. It is a bit disheartening as it means that more often than not I am being/will be passed up on because I have a daughter. I mean, I get it... Many people feel that dating a single parent is instant commitment and more so who are looking for a family want one all of their own. And I most certainly understand the latter as that is exactly what I thought I was getting in my last relationship, though my ex-wife now just wants to drink, smoke and have sex with random guys. I digress!
Now, I haven't given up all hope, but the reality of my situation certainly is a bitter pill. I look forward to reading more honest responses, though!