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upstagegoldwolf @upstagegoldwolf
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upstagegoldwolf @upstagegoldwolf
Game and talk about anime?

legendght @legendght
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legendght @legendght
Cool that you made your code vein character look like you! I've been thinking about getting that game...

palerider @palerider
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palerider @palerider
We should chat ;)

overdose @overdose Cute cosplay! Er, sorry not good with pick up lines xD bit of a dork in that department. But yeah, could chat about anime some and other stuff. Oh, as for alcohol I’m not much of a connoisseur but I like a bit of everything from wine beer or liquor. Don’t drink much myself either. And do wanna cosplay sometime but I’m a bit shy to do that.
Romantic Manga

majin_souji @majin_souji
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Romantic Manga
majin_souji @majin_souji
I will always recomend
Citrus - Romance, Yuri, Incest
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?

majin_souji @majin_souji
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
majin_souji @majin_souji
I would say the hardest things about dating me are that I have a hard time opening up to people, but when I do I get clingy and it tends to annoy people. Also I dont really make the first moves on anything, a girl could give me all the sings in the world but unless she tells me she is interested then I would just never be able to ask them.
Only real things I have dont to fix them is try not to be so clingy to friends.